Chapter 8

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SONG OF THVE CHAPTER: Dont Let Me Go by Harry Styles______________________________________________________


The next day went smoother I guess, yesterday no trouble after the weird phone call Harry had from Jake. Listening to both of their conversations opened my eyes that Jake was lying to me the whole time, I was really stupid to think he really loved me, he was using me to get a share I was going to get from my parents. After that, he will kill me to get the money for him.

I hate him.

It was only in this house that I could be safe, as long as Jake doesnt know it. He wont find me and hurt me or Harry. After Harry and I had breakfast, the doorbell rang, I felt like a shiver on my body out of fear. What if it was Jake? What if he found us?

"Harry wait, take this with you"I caught Harry's hand before he could open the knob of the door, I gave him a frying pan and he bursted laughing patting my shoulder.

"Aww dont worry Elle its not Jake, professor Cowell justed texted me to inform he's here, I wont open to anyone without a text to tell they are at the door. You ar safe love"Harry explained and I nodded smiling. He's perfect.

"Hello Professor Cowell"Harry and I told him after opening the door. He wished us back and now Professor Cowell and I went to my room for my tutoring time.

"Dont worry Harry, Im only stealing her from you for 2 hours, you know times flies right?"Professor told him on the stairs and I noticed that Harry 's been looking at me the whole way to my room, not in the way he watched me like a security, it was different this time, I didnt know why but I wasnt comfortable.

He made me nervous.

What? Stop it Elle stop it right now.

"Alright so today we're learning physics, "Professor Cowell told me and I nodded taking my physics book and listened to him teaching me the theories and problems. I was very attentive to him the whole time, I understood every concept but back of my mind wasnt quiet at all. Something happened to me.






I couldn't help but smile as I was hearing the deep raspy voice of Harry calling my name, it felt so real to me, like he was in the room too. What? Where was he?

"What?"I asked aloud as my eyes searched around the room, Professor Cowell looked at me weirdly but he was not upset.

"What Elle? You alright?"He asked me nicely and I realised Harry was not here in the room. Did it mean I was inagining Harry calling me in my head? What? Why? How?

"Hmmm...yes Im fine, sorry"I said and he continued with the problems for two hours. That still didnt stop my mind to think about Harry.

Stop it Elle.

Two hours later, I accompagnied Professor Cowell at the door as he was leaving, I didnt see Harry on the way so I 'll see after saying bye to Professor Cowell.

"Tomorrow we'll finish the chapter and we 'll do some english to relax ok?"He told me before leaving and I nodded smiling.

"Ok thank you Professor, have a good day"I said and he was gone so I closed the door locking it many times just to be sure. My stomach started making noise, I was hungry.

"Elle could you call Mr Styles, lunch is ready?"Marie asked me sweetly and I smiled at her. Wow first time I was going to call Harry for lunch. Cool.

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