Chapter 22

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SONG OF THE CHAPTER: Break Free by Ariana Grande
I Know Places by Taylor Swift
Sirens by Cher Lyod
They Dont Know About Us by One Direction___________________________________________________

Elle's Pov

I couldnt take it anymore. I've had enough, I didnt care anymore that I was in a house my parents bought, illegally but still bought it and it supposed to be my house as well but I didnt feel like being at home at all. Why did I care anyway? My parents dont care about me! They want me fucking dead so whats the big deal?

What am I still doing here?

Harry, the only one who s been completely honest with me was somewhere risking his life for me and for something he has never done. Cant continue like this.

Only I can stop this madness.

Good thing I wasnt handcuffed anymore in the room but I couldnt just come out of the room opening the door, I would get caught , maybe the window will do. Yes of course. But how high was it from the ground?

For Harry I would take any height so its doesnt matter.

The mystery girl, Miss I didnt know her name told me that the asylum Harry was arrested was not very far so I could search for it and I will find Harry right? Yes thats my plan. I opened the long french window and I leaned to see downstairs, it was high yes but not too high, like not deadly high if you know what I mean.

Come on Elle you can do it.

No no its not safe. Harry wants you safe .

Harry doesnt know that Im not safe without him.

I climbed on it and decided to jump and I didnt even realise I was lying on the ground pretty fast, was quicker than I thought. I made it! Now all I have to do, was run. Where to? Dont give up, follow your instinct. I walked in some direction into the woods hoping that I will find my way to the nuthouse where my Harry was.

It was the evening and the sun was setting, which was not helping in addition to the thick trees covering te sky, it was hard to see now but I could manage, thank you moonlight. All I could hear was the sound of insects and my footsteps everytime I walked on leaves or bushes or whatever plants. But one sound scared the shit out of me.

Sirens. Police sirens.

Looks like people noticed my abscence in the house, what the hell dont just stand there Elle, Run! But how long will I run and for how long without being seen by the police? Just Run thats it , the rest God only knows.

The woods were getting darker and darker as time went, it was one way a good thing so that no will see me but the other way I was lost now. Didnt know where I was going and it was cold also, I was hugging myself tighter as I walked and walked and walked without knowing where I was leading, just hoping I was in the right direction.

Suddently, I saw from far smoke flying in the air, you know what that means? It means that somewhere there was a house or a building out there, let us hope it was the asylum. Please it had to , one step closer to find Harry. Or if it wasnt the asylum, maybe the house of someone nice to give me shelter for the night and I'll continue tomorrow. Lets go!

I was running faster and faster until I tripped and fell on the ground right in front of a tall body of a man, not facing me, his back . The man was about to turn around hearing the falling sound I made so I managed to get up and run hide behid a tree hoping he wont see and find me. I was shocked to find out that that man was noone else that than the one who wanted to marry me and kill me. Oh no!

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