Chapter 23

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SONGS OF THE CHAPTER: Ready To Run by One Direction
Break Free by Ariana Grande
Runaway by Ed Sheeran
Rude by Magic! _________________________________________________________

Elle's Pov

Jake was roaming around the trees near where I was, my eyes were not leaving all his movements, I had to get down from the tree but not yet, Jake was still too close from me , he would see me jump from the tree and I will be caught. Then something caught my eye, there was chestnuts on the branches of the tree I was and they were in a good size. I got an idea!

I picked up two big chestnuts and moved a little at the edge of the branche I was on aiming at Jake, when I had the chance I threw it exacty to his head, the first shot wasnt making a big effect, Jake felt it and groaned a little and he turned around wondering from where he hit . When he turned forward, I threw two more on his head and this time he felt uneasy and after few minutes, Jake was unconscious.

Way to go Elle!

I quicky jumped from the tree and landed on my two legs, thank you summer camp. Jake's body was still on the ground so I ran crossing his passed out body.

"This time Im ready to run"I said and ran faster following the large smoke that was on the sky. Please let it be the asylum. I have to find Harry. I want to see him.

Maybe Jake was unconscious for I didnt know how long but the woods were now full of police so I had to be extra careful, noone should find me. I decided to put my hood from my hoodie over my head as I walked carefully making sure to be unseen.

"No girl in sight?"I heard some police people talking to each other, about me. I ignored as I continued walking forward.

"No, but she ll be somewhere here, the asylum is really close from here"Anothee policeman said. I sighed in relief hearing that the asylum was not far at all from here.

Harry Im coming!

This time I was running faster not caring that my movements was making noise when I stamped on leaves on the ground, I couldnt wait any longer, I thought I would be chased by policemen who heard my movements but to my luck noone was chasing me. Good.

This time Im ready to run
Wherever you are
Is the place I belong

I have to find Harry, I wish we could start our lives over together, we would be happy together forever. For that, we have to end all this trouble.

They got the cages
They got the boxes, and guns
They are the hunters
We are the foxes
We run

I was running non stop with only one purpose one motivation in my mind until I bumped into another body, I wasnt so lucky this time, that person noticed me as she turned to see me. Oh pheww its Miss. Mystery girl.

"Oh my god Elle thank god you re ok. I thought Jake found you. You re lucky you bumped into me"She said and I sighed in relief. She was really helping me like she said before? I could trust her right?

"He almost did but I knocked him down few minutes ago"I said and she giggled. I really wanted to know her name. She looked really familiar but I didnt know her.

"Good girl! If you think you are gonna save him by yourself in this crazy place, you are crazy. Its impossible so Im here to help you"She said and I looked at her for a while before nodding.

"Alone or not alone, I need to find Harry and I will"I said and she smiled again.

"You re just like my brother! Im glad he fell in love with you and Im not surprised"She said and I was confused. Brother? Her brother? Who was she talking about? I didnt know her but did I know her brother? Did Jake had a sister? But he didnt love me! He never did? What about Harry? Nah he never mentioned her to me before.

Well its not like you guys are together or something!

Not yet!

"Brother? Who are you? Who are you talking about?"I asked her and she giggled before she opened her mouth. The look on her face was like she was gonna tell me but before another word could come out of her lips, we heard a loud sound of sirens. Actually not sirens, louder and more scary.


"We're close, follow me Elle"She said and grabbed my hand and I was running following her, I guessed she was taking me somewhere we were hearing the alarm much closer and louder.

"What alarm is that?"I asked her.

"The alarms of the safest and worst asylum in England. If its Harry who caused it, lets pray he doesnt get caught or else..."She said as we continued running. I formed a small smile hearing that the nuthouse wasnt far but it faded quickly after she said the last part.

"Or else?"I asked her to continue. She looked at me sadly.

"Its death penalty for sure"She said and I swallowed hard. Only one thing on my mind something Harry always told me, now its my turn to tell him.

Be safe Harry, please dont let them get you.

After twenty minutes ish of running really fast, Miss Undercover stopped and I stopped after her in front of a tall building that looked like an ancient castle or something or maybe a jail, with many security lights moving around and we couldnt bare the too loud sound of alarms. We made it. The asylum! Harry was not at all far anymore.

"We made it! Lets go"I said to her but she pulled me back before going any further to the gates.

"Not so fast! You re wanted you know that! You cant just go like that! They wont let you go to Harry"She said and I sighed knowing that she's right.

"So how can we go then?"I asked her and I let out a scream when I saw the person I hoped wouldnt find me just behind her. Oh No!

"Oh you will enter but not by yourself sweetheart"Jake said smirking at me. Aww man we were so close. Not now.

"I knew you were familiar, Gemma Styles right?"Jake said looking mystery girl and me. The girl was as upset as I was that he was here. But WHAT? Did I hear Styles?

"I cant let you ruin my brother and the girl he loves. Especially when he s done nothing wrong"Gemma said.

"Actually I can, take them"Jake said and we were quickly grabbed by policemen and we were going into the nuthouse now. Good but not the way we wanted to go.

I just want to find Harry, alive and unharmed.

It wasnt the only thing stuck in my head though.

Mystery girl was Gemma Styles! Which means...she's Harry's sister and she s been helping me all along.

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