Chapter 3

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The Way by Ariana Grande
Safe and Sound by Taylor Swift ft Civil Wars___________________________________________________


"Elle wake up"I heard Marie's sweet voice waking me up this morning, I removed my head out of the thick soft blanket to see her smiling a lot at me.

"Good morning Marie"I said in my sleepy voice

"Mr Styles is calling you for breakfast once you're ready"She said and I nodded .

"Tell him I'll be quick"I said nicely, I was more comfortable with Harry now, he was a nice person but I still didnt know about the mystery going on, that he was keeping me safe in his house not being able to go out anywhere including school. Im a topper and anytime people from the biggest universities will come for interviews and stuffs. I didnt want to miss that.

I took a quick shower and then I changed into a black tank top and some dark jeans before going downstairs to join Harry for breakfast. He looked so handsome in full black formals, his hair was...OMG, ok enough Elle!

"Good morning Harry/Elle"We both said at the same time soon as we saw each other. We laughed and I sat next to him. Today's breakfast was pancakes and maple syrup, yum.

"When will you come back?"I asked him while eating and he chuckled.

"Miss me already?"He asked me and my face turned red. huh? No no no Elle you cant blush.

"Its just...I feel lonely...and bored the whole day"I said shyly and he held my hand in his sending so many chills all over my body.

"Dont worry I'll be back before you know it and besides you wont feel bored and lonely from now on"He said smiling at me. He's adorable.

"What do you mean?"I asked him.

"I found out where you go to school and I got you a tutor who will come here and teach you here, even your exams will be done here"He said and I was jawdropped.

He's controlling my education now.

"Really?"I asked in disbelief.

"I know you want to go to college and get a nice job so you can study here, safe"He said and if you think I might get mad at him , I wasnt, somehow I trusted him in this. He really cared for me so much, noone would do so much for anyone, not even Jake.

"Thank you Harry"I said nicely and next I didnt know what happened to pe because I just jumped on his lap hugging him so happily as if he was my teddybear, I thought he would push me away but another surprise he put his arms around my waist traveling up and down my back.

Control your tits Elle, you have a boyfriend!

"Anything for you love"Harry said and planted a kiss on my forehead as we pulled back. Jesus Christ, the effect he had on me. Argh really stop it!

"But you wont be gone for too long right?"I asked him when I was back at my own chair.

"I'll finish my work as fast as I can and maybe I could take you out tonight, what do you think?"He asked me and I felt like my heart skipped beat, he s asking me to go out with him tonight? Chill, just a hangout of course.

"Really?"I asked him my eyes beaming with excitment and he laughed.

"Of course how long will you stay locked up in a room? And with me you have nothing to worry about"He said and I blushed so I covered my face with my hands.

What happened to Harry? He's been too nice.

Was it the real Harry?

"Oh my god thank you Harry, you're an angel"I said and he smiled at a lot. Then we were interrupted by the sound of the bell ringing.

"I'll get it Mr Styles"Marie shouted and we heard the sound of her heels as she was running towards the door. Later, there was an old man that looked scary, that smiled at me and Harry.

"Hello Harry, is it Elle?"He said in his thick british accent more than Harry's.

"Elle, this is Professor Simon Cowell, your tutor, Sir this is Elle Sanders"Harry introduced us to each other and I smiled as we shook hands.

"Nice to meet you Elle, you dont have to be scared of me, I dont bite and I will teach you for two hours maximum thats it"He said and he laughed. I just smiled.

"I'll leave you get started, I have to go, take care Elle"Harry said and left the house. So now me and Prof Simon went to my room and he started teaching me chemistry today. I have to say he was good and taught me in a way fun like it wasnt boring.

But most of these two hours, guess who I was thinking about... Harry!


Simon taught me chemistry for two hours and after he left I felt so bored being all alone in the room. I was just watching tv from the bed the whole day. I really missed Harry, omg what happened to me? I feel like I cant be without him! OMG noooo I cant do that, I have a boyfriend.

Yet, you're going out with Harry tonight!

Well its just dinner, hanging out.

Suddenly there was a knock on my door, I shouted come in and there was Marie who entered with a big box in her hands.

"Elle, Mr Styles has come and wants you to wear this tonight"Marie said placing the box on the bed and she left. OMG dont tell me he got me a dress!

I opened the door and gasped seeing the pretty dress, it was white short and fluffy at the end, strapless so there was a shrug with it. Pretty white stilletos with it.

I quickly put the dress on then the shrug, the shoes, I sat on the chair near the dressing table to comb my hair perfectly, I put light eyeliner, lipgloss. When I was ready, I went downstairs, as I was going down the stairs I heard a gasp, I lifted my head to see a very very handsome Harry Styles in a tuxedo, with a black bow tie smiling at me, when he saw me he froze staring at me without blinking making me blush.

"Hi Harry"I said as I came in front of him still drooling. OMG.

"Hi...beautiful"He managed to say and took my hand in his and kissed the back of it.

He's not your boyfriend, control! He's just a gentleman

A handsome one yeah

"Where are we going?"I asked him as we walked hand in hand to his car. He opened the door for me to get it and he closed it before he sat on the drivers seat.

"I knew the dress would be perfect for you but I didnt think you would be...this BEAUTIFUL"Harry said and I started blushing. Even Jake didnt have this much effect on me,

"Thanks, you look really handsome as well"I said and he continued driving to god knew where.

Harry stopped and we walked always holding hands to a very fancy restaurent, italian. OMG Wow.

"Reservation for Styles please"He said to a waiter and he bowed to us.

"Right this way, sir, mam"The waiter told us and showed our table for us. Just when we were about to sit I heard the familiar and unexpected voice calling me.

"Elle? What are you doing?"OMG what was he doing here? Why now? Oh dear this is gonna be a long night.


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