Chapter 20

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SONG OF THE CHAPTER: She's Not Afraid by One Direction__________________________________________________

"So how do I call you then?"I asked the girl that said she was here to save me from this place. She has done nothing but giggle looking at me as if I was I dont know what or who.

"For now, Miss will do. Safer that way coz Jake wants me to be professional on you and not getting too close."She said and I made an o expression with my mouth. Well she locked the door so noone will come inside, and I dont think people could be eavesdropping from outside the room right?

"Oookay, Miss. "I said smiling at her. She really looked familiar, by familiar I mean like she looked a lot like someone. Nah cant be! I think Im going crazy.

"Look, the papers are ready so we dont have much time. Jake will make you marry him, try to resist as much as you can while Louis and El give the signal"She said and I nodded. Louis and El? She knew them huh? But were they also into this? Oh no I dont want them to get in trouble for me.

"Louis and El give what signal?"I asked her.

"Too soon to tell coz we dont even know it will work. But we have to try, to save you and Harry"Miss said and I sighed. She was so mysterious but I had to trust her.

"They know where is Harry?"I asked Miss and she nodded. Really? Aww relieved.

"He s at the asylum which is not really far from here. Very close from here but its asylun with most security, impossible to escape"She said and let out a low gasp in fear. Why would he himself into this? Why did it happen to him? Harry didnt deserve anything of this.

Because of me.

"Its all my fault"I sobbed slowly and she took me in her arms.

"No dont blame yourself Elle.Its noone fault for anything. Jake is the one psycho here"Miss told me as I cried softly in her arms.

"If Harry didnt take me to his house, he would be perfectly fine, running his business, live a good life. "I said and she shushed me.

"But he wouldnt have met you, the one girl of his dreams. There were lot of girls in his life but none of them caught his attention, only you Elle. He doesnt regret a single thing he has done for you and that includes going into that nuthouse, you know why? Because he loves you Elle, soooo much"She said sincerely caressing my cheek as I was crying more. Harry really really loved me? Like I did?

"How do you know Harry?"I asked her and she chuckled wiping my tears with her hand.

"Like I said ,darling, I cant tell you now. You ll find out soon enough"She said and I nodded. She was the definition of mystery.

"Heyyy I told you to give her breakfast, no chit chat, get out of there"We suddently heard Jake's voice shouting near the door. Miss I didnt know her name looked down at my eyes sadly.

"Elle Im sorry but do you mind if I put them back in? Jake said to--"She started and immediately I showed my hands so she could put the handcuffs again . We had to play nice for Jake right?

"Sure its ok"I said and she put handcuffs on my wrists and ankles again before getting up and leaving the room.

"Hang in there Elle, this will soon be over"She said and closed the door and locked it from outside. I was again alone in this big bedroom handcuffed on the bed not being able to move.

Really hope it will be over soon

Jake's Pov

How long did that girl was taking to give Elle her breakfast? I told her to give her breakfast and leave, not to talk with her. I was supposed to do the talking. That girl looked oddly familiar but I cant remember but since we needed a maid I hired her as she sounded desperate willing to work here.

The papers were ready, if you're wondering what papers, those were the papers that will make Elle mine forever , one step closer for me to take her big share, after that Im done with her. I 'll kill her.

Maybe I could kill her in front of Harry. Ok?

He s not going to escape from that nuthouse ever, noone ever can, there s the most security in there, not just guards but high tech stuffs also. Harry Styles will rot in there forever. He wont take my Elle away from me anymore.

She's my property

"Jake, you do know she has to sign that?"Elle's mom Mrs Sanders told me. Crap I forgot, how will she accept to marry me? She hates me to the core. Yeah you heard .

Marriage papers.

All I need was Elle to sign and she's mine but will she? How to make her?

Well its not like she has a choice. I just have to make her sign, if I have to by force.

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