Chapter 1

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SONGS OF THE CHAPTER: Warzone by The Wanted________________________________________________

I was in that crazy man's car as he wa driving really fast, good thing for other people it was almost midnight so the roads were empty, everyone was safe from unsafe driving psycho. I couldnt stop crying the whole ride and I think he got fed up as he hit my mouth harshly so I ll shut up.

"Will you shut the fuck up?"He scolded me and I sobbed trying to stop. Then I felt like my phone vibrated in my jeans pocket, luckily it was on the leg of the windows side not guy's side. If he knew I had my phone, he would probably take it away as it was the only way for anyone to find my location, means find him. So I had to keep my phone safe. I didnt reply yet, I had to wait for a better occasion, like when he s not next to me, not too close.

But When?

My phone kept on vibrating in my pocket and it was very disturbing for me as my leg was shaking because of it. Control , control.

"Stay here"He ordered as soon as the car stopped and he alone got down and I watched enter a store, great Elle, thats your chance! I took out my phone and looked at the screen, there was six missed calls from Jake, my boyfriend. I decided to call now that I had a chance.

"Elle where are you ? Are you ok?"I heard Jake shouting or maybe crying loud as he was worried for me.

"Jake...Im not sure, someone took me with him and he locked me in his car while he went to a store, Jake im really scared"I said trembling.

"Hey relax, I'm gonna find you, you're gonna be alright, just tell me where you are, I could track you eas--"Jake was saying and all of a sudden I felt like my phone been snatched from my grip and got thrown out of the window.

Shit, he came.

"You're lucky Im out of bullets, next time I wont hesitate to kill you"He said and I looked at him more and more scared. I hate him.

"Why did you do all this?"I asked him out of nowhere as if he was driving.

"Do what?"He asked in a normal tone.

"Well first you barge in my house, try to steal, then when mom caught you and"I started and he cut me off.

"I have my reasons"He said seriously forming a thin with his lips. Seeing him from the side, I had to admit he didnt look so bad. What did I say? I take that back, he's my kidnapper I cant think anything of him.

"But you cant just come in some house and burn everything and then you kidnap me why?"I told him and he chuckled. Jeez was he bipolar or something?

"Kidnap you? Oh girl Im only saving from a danger"He said and I was confused. He saving me? Yeah right.

"You are the danger now"I told him and now he harshly put the break before stopping the car then he turned to me , his fingers caressing my cheeks sending goosebumps all over my body.

"You dont know what your parents doing Miss Sanders, Im just protecting you by making you not see it, now get down we reached"He said and I looked at him for a long time not understandig what the hell he was saying about my parents? My parents were the best of all parents and they treated me like their little princess all my life.

"Dont make me point a gun at you, I dont wanna hurt you"He growled and I finally got down to be quickly held by his large hands on my waist as we walked into a huge house. He lived here? Who was he?

"What's your name, love?"He asked me and I looked down not willing to tell him. He sighed and took out his guy from his black coat.

"Why are you so difficult?"He asked me and with fear I gave in.

"My name's Elle"I said quickly and he smiled and showed me around the big house.

"Well Elle, I'm Harry and welcome to your new home, you wont go out anywhere without me"He said.

OMG just kill me already. I'm Living With My Kidnapper. Jesus Christ!

(A/N: Hiii sorry for the wait, Im still soooooo not over about Zayn's news and Naughty Boy thing piss me off even more so I didnt have the mood of writing or even reading my favorite stories but I think Im ok now, have to face the reality, the bitter truth, Zayn may have left One Direction but he'll always be in our hearts and the other boys' too. And I dont care of what news I saw, to me Zayn never left. Im never going to accept that as much as it is true.
Anyway massive thanks to KeriGemini for the AmaZAYN cover, I looooooove it as much as I love Harry, Zayn, Louis, Liam and Niall: One Direction)

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