Chapter 8

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(Madison's POV)

Ali was always there for me when she could be,but then one day she slipped out of my life.



It was week before my 15th birthday,and I was so excited. Most kids were excited for my have presents,but not me. I was excited to see my 19 year old sister,Ali,come back. You think your 19 year old sister would come back from work,college,or just from another state. Not mine,though. Ali was coming back from the army.She was stationed in Afghanistan on New Years. Before she left she said" I promise I will be back for your birthday." We then said our goodbyes and ect. I was so unpatient for her to come back. I heard the phone ring. I jumped off the couch and answered the wall phone in the kitchen.

"Hello" I answered cheerfully.I heard the person on the other line and said,

" Is this the Crawford residence?" asked I now know it was a man,DEAD SERIOUS.

"Um,Yes,may I ask who is calling" I said polietly.

"Sorry for not saying this later,but im Sargent Johnsan." O is all I said.

"Is my sister there?Is she ok?How is she? When is she coming home?" I asked throwing questions at this poor man.

"Um no sorry shes not with me,but I called to say she is unable to come back to the U.S" My heart just dropped. Before I could ask why he hung up. I felt hott tears go down my smooth face. I just thought she was coming home how fullish of me!! I then rembered shes serving my country and saving lives. It still hurt though.For the rest of the day I just sat in my room and cried until I fell asleep.

(Nobodys POV )

A day before Madison got the call from Sargent Johnsan,Ali,Madisons sister,was captured. Ali was a very important woman to the army,she held most of the United States secrets.

The Pakistans attacked the base Ali was staying at and killed everybody they had to kill to get to her.

They put a bag over her head and tired her arms and legs together around a chair. They tried to get secrets out her,but she wouldnt budge. They brutally tortured her for many days. They would drown her, put her in an ice bath,burn cigarettes on her, abuse her, whipp her,and worst of all rape her. She still wouldnt tell them anything,but stayed strong for her family,Madison,her boyfriend Niall, and her small creation with Niall. If you saw her you would sob. Everyday they would would give her stale bread,take her to yhe interigation room and abuse her,they wouldnt get anything out of her so they would rape her,after that she would puke up blood,and then the cycle would repeat.

One day while raping they saw a small bump on her stomach. They knew what it was. They knew Ali wasnt going to spill any secrets. They took a sharp blade and placed it on the bump and slowly cut it out. They then decided to take her dying body and the thing that caused the bump and leave them on the side of a dirt road. Ali then died days after being unconscious from the blood loss.

Three days past,her bod was found by her search team. They confirmed it was Ali and sent the news back to the U.S.

(Madisons POV)

It was the day of my birthday and it was going good,except that my sister isnt here.We still didnt here anything from the army at all this week. I just told myself theres always a next year for Ali to come to my birthday. My thoughts were interupted by my mom yelling my name. I went to the kitchen were my mom was and saw a cake with a number 1 and 5 candle all lit on top on the decorated cake. My mom started to sing happy birthday.

"Time to make a wish" my mom said eagerly getting her camera ready. I closed my eyes

"I wish Ali was here and for the rest of my birthdays in the future" I whispered to myself blowing out the candles.On cue the door bell rung. I ran to the door with a smile on my face hoping it was Ali. I put my hand on the yellow door knob and opened the door. A frown automatically found its way on my face. I saw JJ my sisters closet army friend. He was in his uniform and had a flag his hand.He was on one knee and I saw a tear slide down his left cheek.

" Tell me"I said. He didnt say a word.

"TELL ME" I screamed at JJ running up to him shaking his braud shoulders.

"I regret to inform you that Ali,was captured during combat and died as a hero, solidier, Sister, Daughter,and future mother."

My heart just dropped.



What did it mean by "Future Mom"?

Sorry for not updating sooner,but i was busy. Pls




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