Chapter 11

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Ok so im goin to start something new if I get 25 reads nd 5 votes I will update

(Madisons P.O.V)

I woke up in a dark room. What the hell. I shot up from where I was. Why am I in the Slutty Barbie Bitch Room. Yes, I call the cheerleaders Slutty Barbie Bitches. First of all I call them Slutty Barbie Bitches,because they sleep with any one who has a d*ck. Second, they have had so many plastic surgerys and theyre not even done good,nd Third of all there Bitches well cuz there just bitches.

I was sitting up when an arm pulled me back down. I screamed so loud I think I heard glass braking.I heard some grones coming from other ends of this room. I hopped out of bed faster than you could say One Direction. I was then in the middle of the room.

I looked around and saw Sam,Caylob,Tanner,Luke,and Carter A.K.A The Players. What the Hell,why am I in a room with them. I looked down at my body to see all my clothes on. Thank God im still a virgin. No,I don't believe in sex after marriage, but I do believe in having sex with someone your truly in love with.

Then the flashbacks came and I remembered why.

"God,why the hell did you wake me up, Carter" said Tanner. Haha I giggled a little.

"Shut the fuck up,Tanner" said Carter throwing his pillow at Tanners face. Then those two started play fighting.

" Im hungry." complained Luke. If there was one thing I learned about Luke was that he was always hungry.I then looked at Caylob. Haha poor guy was trying to go back to sleep. He had his pillow up against his ears. Weres Sam? On que,I felt strong buff tan arms rap around my waist,and a chin on my shoulder. I jumped and turned to be nose-to-nose with Sam. It looked like we were about to kiss. I pushed on his chest brakeing out of his strong grip,but not with out hurting my back. and wrist hitting his hard ass chest.

"Get off of me! You fucking hurt my back.and wrist!" I yelled at Sam a little to harshly. All the chaos around me stopped and I felt 5 pairs of eyes on me. I ran out of the room and ran to the closest bathroom. Which in my luck was the BOYS bathroom. Did I mention it smelled,well it did.

I ran in the white bathroom stall,closed the toilet seet nd sat on top of it. Then I just cryed. Ya just cryed.

After about 1 or 2 minutes I heard a knock on the door.

"Who is it" My voice barely heard.

" Its Caylob!" shouted now I know Caylob.

" Can I come in?" asked Caylob polietly. I didnt respond though,abd with that he came in any way. The door shut behind Caylob,and I heard the click meaning he locked the door to the bathroom entrance. Again there was a knock on the door,but instead it was on the stall I was in.

" Come on Madison,please open the door" asked a pleading Caylob. Still I didnt answer,and all that came out of me was sniffles and tears. Then all of a sudden I heard something slide under the stall. I look at the ground and notice my pinkish purplish convers when I feel a grasp on my ankle. I then look at the owners hand and see a blurry Caylob. Ya,hes blurry because im still crying. He then gets on his knees and puts his SOFT yet callused hand on my wet cheek,then puts his thumb and raises my chin so im eye to eye with him.

"Shhh Madison.... Im here Im here please stop crying and tell me whats wrong?" I then nodded my head.

" I...I kinda have *Sniffle* feelings forr Sam *Sobbing*,bu-t he-e will just use me like a tissue, and hee keeps lead-ding me on!!!" I explained whe having a melt down. I fell me getting lifted up and I am now on Caylob's lap. I then sobb more and burry my face in to Caylobs Hard,but cushiony chest and cry away. Caylob then starts rocking me back and forth and whispering soothing words in my ear. I then start to feel sleepy and fall asleep forgeting my problems.

(Caylob's P.O.V First time!!!)

I was trying to get some sleep with all the noises in the room when the room went dead silent. I lifted my head from out under the pillows I was covering my ears with. I then heard and saw Madison blow up on Sam. Then she ran out of the room,I think crying?

" What the fuck did you do, man?!?!" I yelled at Sam. I didnt know what the situation was,but im pretty sure Sam started it. Even though I was trying to sleep my gut told me Sam dud something.

" What the hell man!!! I didnt do shit!!!" yelled Sam trying to defend himself.Fuck him. I just left that ugly pink room. Hmm... were would a crying girl go? I then thought about Mean Girls. Yes, ive seen that movie like a hundred times. Its my 13 year old sisters favorite movie.

Then it clicked in my head.... the bathroom, but which one? I walked around the halls until I finally found one. I knocked on the door. I have SOME class.

" Who is it?" answered a faint voice.

" Its Caylob. Can I please come in?" I asked trying to be polietly.

" Come on Madison please let me in" I now was pleading. Ok now i am pissed. I opened the door and then looked under the stalls. Ya!!!! I found her I did a little happy dance. Haha im so weird, but ladies love me they on my cool J. I love that song FOCUS CAYLOB!!!! I layed down on the cold bathroom tiles and used my upper body strength to slide me under Madisons stall. I grabbed her ankle,then looked at Madisons face. She was crying,it just broke my heart. Madison is so sweet and innocent and right now she looks like a puppy crying over a dead bunny. I put my hand on her soft wet cheek.

" Shhh Madison.... Im here Im here Now please stop crying and tell me whats wrong.

She looked at me unsure,but then told me everthing from her liking Sam to him using her. While Madison was telling me her problems I could tell she was hurt and needed comfort. I put my buff arms around her petite body nd put her on my lap. She then snuggled closer in my chest. I knew she didnt feel good so I thought I would tell her some soothing words.

"Everything is goin to be alright"

" You are beautiful, and if Sam cant see it hes blind" Which was true she is very pretty, but I mean it in a Sister/ Brotherly way. Even though, Ive only talked to her for a little while I feel the need to protect her.

After zoneing out for a while I noticed Madison fell asleep. She looked like a baby bunny sleeping. Its soo cute!!

I then lifted her up kicked the now empty stall open and walked out of room to the cheerleader room.

SAM IS GOIN TO GET IT!!!!! I thought


Ok so first of all this chapter is dedicated to my wattpad best frien Shawna Aka BubbaForest!!!!! You guys should really check out her book Live,Laugh,Love its really good. O nd I have a new book out its called Shh....Its a secret. btw its a 1D fan fic!!!





Rember 25 reads and 5 votes = New chapter

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