Chapter 11

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Newt's POV

We stood there face to face for a couple more seconds, although to me it felt like hours, just the two of us. 

I stared into his eyes, deep into his soul, there was something different about those set of eyes, it was missing somethin, lacking the familiar sense of warmth. It was as if Thomas was trying to pull away from me, leaving me in the darkness.

"So, uh... you wanna head back?" 

Thomas broke the silence, 


I blinked a couple times, slapping myself out of the trance. 

As we were strolling back towards the lights, Thomas abruptly stop in his tracks, I almost slammed into the back of him. 

"There's something I want to talk to you about"

Thomas said with no emotion whatsoever contained in his voice.


My heart stopped, could he have possibly heard what I said? That moment of my idiotic confession. 

"Never mind, I probably heard it wrong." 

He muttered, and with that he spun on his heels and left me alone. 

I stood there, in shock. He left me, yet again. 

What was his deal? 

I have been there for him, did everything for him, one second everything's fine the next he's storming away from me again. 

I realized I was shaking, the fury boiling inside me like molten lava. 

I stormed after him, steam hissing out of my ears. caught up with him and seized his arms spinning his around.

Looking dead into his eyes.

Hi it's me again, ik i write rlly short chapters but I just cut up the story whenever theres a cliff hanger or it just feels like it, but don't worry I post rlly often lol. that is unless Im busy or if nobody reads this. Newt and Thomas will get together eventually, but obviously it cant be that easy so something will happen. anyways have fun with the rest of the story :)

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