Chapter 12

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Thomas' POV

His voice still echoed in my skull, that very phrase, how three words could hit me so deeply.

I didn't know what he meant by that, all I knew was that it was driving me crazy, I was overthinking way too much. Somehow, part of me hoped that he meant those words in a less brotherly way, but part of me hated myself for thinking about my best friend in ways like these. 

What was he doing to me?

I closed my eyes as I heard Newt's footstep behind me, rather quick paced. 

A hand clasped around my arm, spinning me around.

Newt glared into my eyes, his jaws tensing. 

"What is your bloody problem? Huh? One second you're holding me and the next you're storming away from me! "

Anger and hatred flooded his voice

Newt's eyes started to well up in tears, his voice trembling weakly,

"Please tell me I'm not crazy, tell me you feel it too, the stupid feeling I get in my stomach when you touch me and the buggin ache in my heart when you leave me... please tell me you feel it too..." 

He whispered.

I placed my palm on his pale cheek, they were soft, soaked with his tears. 

My heart melted.

"I feel it too." 

My heart took control over me, before I knew what I was doing I pushed my lips against his.


It was indescribable, the feeling inside me, it felt like millions of firework erupting inside me, the long compressed passion exploding all at once. 

I could feel him pause uncertainly, using my tongue to explore his mouth, touch every last inch of him. 

Newt finally recovered from his shock and returned the favor, our tongues moving back and forth in a slow tempo, he slid a hand below my shirt exploring the rest of my body, heat waves exploding everywhere, travelling towards the places he touched me. 

It felt like hours, standing there on the beach, our bodies pressed against each others, little moans escaped from his lips, causing my heart to jump in excitement. Although the cool breeze was blowing against our thin garments, not a single part of me felt cold. 

Our lips still glued together, eyes closed, dancing to the rythm of nature, caught in the moment. 

When a voice came from behind me.

"What the shuck are you two doing?!" 

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