go figured

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Dally POV

I walk into the Curtis house and see Darry with his hand on his face and Pony sittin' beside him quietly. "hey," I heard Two-bit say from the kitchen. I walked up to him and glanced at the other two who looked upset. "Sup' with them?" I asked.
"You ain't heard?"
"Heard what?"
He looked over at Darry and whispered in my ear "Sodas been tossed" I knew what he meant by it, but why? Soda knew better than to do dumb shit. "Why?"

He dragged me to the kitchen and sat at the table. "Ion know" He said, shrugging his shoulders. Oh, c'mon Sodapop..you fool. "How long he got?" Why was I asking so many damn questions. "I think a week or two."

Pony walked into the room, he looked tired, Soda must've got put in yesterday, cause Pony looked like he ain't got no sleep yet. "Hey Pone" I said. He looked over and smiled slightly "hey dal" man, he looked rough, not even the cool kinda rough. "Hey, why dont'cha head upstairs and take a nap, kid" He shook his head. They must be worried they'll be parted, I didn't blame them. This is two times that somethings come up that darry's been threatened about having custody over them. These kids needed eachother, like how johnny needed them, without the Soda and Pony, Darry would've went insane. Pony and Johnny already fucked up once with Bob, we were all shocked when they came back after the fire, i still feel bad. If Pony had listened and left Johnny instead of pulling him out with him.. he would've died for sure.

Soda POV

I gotta stay in for a week, a whole week. I was shakin', but I couldn't tell if it was cause I was cold or if I was just scared. All the people here looked horrible, and stared at me when I walked by, and the food is disgusting. I ain't wanna shower and I don't got no hair grease, so it flops over my eyes. I've only been here for a day and I wanna be home, I'd rather be at work with Steve or listening to Two-bit cry and ramble on about some stupid drunk story from a year ago. The beds hurt my back, it was horrible. How does dally do it? Why does he keep doin' stuff to get himself thrown in? I wanna be home..I don't wanna be here..


I cringed writing this so yeah. But anyways, poor Soda lol

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