halloween extra

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This is not apart of the real story. This is just a Halloween extra. It's short b/c yes. it's modern :)


I watched Ponyboy and Johnny walk out in matching purge costumes. It was Ponyboys idea, since he wanted Johnny to feel comfortable going. Two-bit left to go to some party with some guy named Bryan. (if you know.. you know.) Darry went to take a nap and Steve went with some chick.

My phone lit up and I smiled when I saw it was from Dallas.

D–do you want to go to a party?

S–what kind of party

D–the one you go to

S–who's throwing it, idiot



D–I'm in the driveway

D–come on

S–thanks for letting me answer

I rolled my eyes and jogged out the door

He was sitting there in his car, tapping the wheel to some song. I opened the door and hopped in. He turned over and smiled. "Hey" He said. I returned the smile and leaned over, kissing him. He placed his hand on my cheek and smiled against my lips. "So..where is the party" I asked when he pulled away. He pulled out of the driveways began driving. "Dallas" I said as I realized. "I'm not aloud to go to bu-" I started, only to be cut off. "I know" He said. I shook my head and leaned back. "Just calm down, I'll be there so nothing will happen to you"

We walked up and inside the house. It was loud. He walked straight over to someperson handing out drinks, dragging me along. "Here" He said as he handed me one. I took it and took a sip. "If it gets too bad then we can go upstairs" He whispered in my ear. I nodded.

(Skip cause why not)

There was a ringing noise that wouldn't go away. The room was swaying..or was it me? I felt warm hands slide under my shirt and along my waist. "You're a mess." I heard someone say. The person began dragging me up the stairs, not that I could fight back anyway. We made it to an empty room and I looked over at him. "This was a bad idea" they said. "Noo.." I mumbled while my hand flew up to my head. It hurt. It was sudden. "Dammit, I called Darry and told him you were staying with me, he wasn't happy but I worked it out" he said. I shook my head and looked at them. I couldn't make out who it was. I laid back and whined. The person crawled into the bed after locking the door. Their hands slithered around my body and they kissed the back of my neck softly, which sent shivers down my spine. "Go to bed, Soda" they said. Then I remembered what dally said, it was dally. The pain in my head went away and I smiled, flipping to face him. "Hey" I said. He laughed quietly. "Sleep" He repeated. I pressed my head against his chest and closes my eyes. "Hm..goodnight" I said. "Good night, Sodapop.."

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