midnight cuddling

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Dally POV

I woke up again. The room was really cold and Soda was gone. I went to sit up but felt a hand press me down. "Just a moment, you'll be able to get out of here in a minute, you're gonna have to take things slow, you've got stitches all over the place." A nurse said. Damn. I really wanted to leave, it'd be nice to have a beer with Two or somethin. "How long have I been out?" I asked. "A few days? You seemed really warn out, like you haven't been getting sleep" She said. Well, I haven't. I've been staying up with Soda, man, how did I even manage to forget to sleep? Maybe I just wasn't that tired..or he made me want to stay awake.

I waited patiently for the nurse to talk outside the door, then she opened it with a smile and helped me up. "Try to drink water, consuming too much sugar is bad for you at the moment. Try not to walk and sleep on your back, smoking less can help as well." She said, handing me my pack of cigarettes. I nodded and saw Two-bit standing outside with Steve.

"Hey, Dally!" Two yelled as soon as I came limping out. Maybe that beer wasn't a good idea. "Keep your voice down, stupid" Steve mumbled. "He's prolly got a headache." Keith sighed and began quietly arguing with Steve. I didn't pay any attention and got in the car.

The ride back was peaceful.. sorta. Every now and then Keith would burst out laughing at some dumb thing he'd said. We pulled in the driveway and I slowly got out. I walked inside, it was pretty late but I didn't mind sitting alone. I heard Steve drive off and sat on the couch. My side hurt as soon as I did, it made me whine. "Dal?" I heard a familiar voice whisper in my ear. "h..hey Sodapop" I said. He sat beside me and rubbed his eyes. Was he asleep?

He smiled softly and looked over at me. I returned the smile and leaned back against the couch. It felt really good to be relaxed like this, or maybe it was just soda. Man, he really does turn me soft. Softer than I like.

Soda POV

Dallas was back home, he was in pain and I knew it. He lets out a whimper every now and then. "Dally? Are you awake?" I ask. He nods slowly and I lean my head against the back of the couch. "I'm glad you're ok.." I say with a sigh. I noticed he has a small grin on his face "me too,"

I found myself staring at his neck again. He looked so nice. My stomach twisted. Dallas looked over and stared at me.

Dally POV

Soda's looking at me with this unexplainable look. He was attractive, but the way the dim light hit his face was perfect. He looked so nice. My throat tightened when he smiled at me. His smile..man..

I stared at Soda for what seemed like be hours, it was quiet. The quiet was nice, but I couldn't tell why. I'd never be able to look at soda like this around the gang, never. I never questioned my sexuality, I've always been into girls, the ones that were like the movies. I feel normal around Ponyboy and Steve and the only difference with Two-Bit is he's so unbelievably annoying, but Sodapop was different. He makes me feel happy, and when he smiles the world stops. It's hard to tell why..certainly not love, I'm not in love with Sodapop, I can't be.

Soda POV

Dallas has been staring at me for a few minutes. I feel really comfortable here. My body is tired and I can't move. He kept looking down then back up, why? For the first time in a while I wanted to sleep. "I wanna sleep with you" I whispered, breaking the silence. I watched his eyes widen and his face went red. "What?" He asked. "Not like that, stupid" I rolled my eyes. He helped me sleep, he was the only reason I did. Now he's hurt and I have problems sleeping, perfect time to ask if he wants to sleep on the couch or something. He stared at me for a second then nodded as he let out a yawn.

I threw my feet up onto the couch. He was standing beside me...well, trying to. Once I had my feet up on the couch comfortably, he laid on my chest. This ain't weird since me and Dally are friends, sometimes Steve and Two would cuddle,, not that Steve wanted to but keith was always drunk and ended up cuddling him anyway. I let out a sigh, Dallas was already asleep and I slowly drifted off as well.

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