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Dally POV

I walked into the Curtis house to see Johnny and Ponyboy laying on the couch. They were both asleep. Darry was getting ready to head to bed, so the house was dead quiet. Soda was smiling,,, probably because Johnny passed out on top of Ponyboy. That was the only place I got comfortable enough to sleep. "I can go to the lot" I said. Soda looked at me. "You're already here though, so what's the point?" He asked. I simply replied, "because I don't want to sleep on the floor"
He raised one of his eyebrows. "But you don't have to, me and Ponyboy sleep in the same bed all the time. Just stay with me" he said. It was hard to tell if he was serious or not. I stared at him and furrowed my eyebrows, tilting my head to the side. (That one scene he looks like.. soft in the hospital, in the movie, yk? Looking submissive and breedable..)

(That one– so whenever he tilted his head think of that, man)Soda grabbed my wrist and dragged me to him and Ponys room, pushing me in with a light shove

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(That one– so whenever he tilted his head think of that, man)
Soda grabbed my wrist and dragged me to him and Ponys room, pushing me in with a light shove. I heard the door close. "If it really bothers you..I can sleep on the floor" He offered. I shook my head. "It's your room, I'll sleep on the floor, or I'll just go to th–" I started, but he cut me off. "No. I said you're not going to the lot and I meant it. If you need to stay somewhere then stay here, and that's the end of it" He said. He sounded serious but lightened it with a smile. I looked down. I've never been cared about, not that I've noticed. What he said didn't really seem like much, but somehow, to me, it hurt..it felt like I was going to cry. I couldn't tell if it was because he did care or because I never did until now, not about anybody [other than Johnny], not even myself. If I were to be shot to death or murdered by some socs and knew it was coming..I wouldn't care. I was just that careless.

I watched him crawl into the bed. I laid down beside him and faced the opposite direction. He kept on flipping around and then sighing before moving again. He kept doing it for what seemed to be hours till I flipped around. "What are you doing, man" I asked. "I can't get comfortable" He said. "Well..I don't know, close your eyes and lay still" I said. He shook his head. "It doesn't work, I tried"
"Not for very f—king long" I said as I rolled my eyes. "I'm bored" He mumbled under a yawn. "Then go to bed" I felt his hands move onto my waist. I didn't even say anything, whatever he was doing was OK with me..I guess.

He pulled my closer and wrapped his arms around me. Cuddling..again. Sodapop is confusing. It's like an emotional roller-coaster. Sometimes I never want to see him again, but other times, like right now, I need him. His touch. To feel his body pressed against mine, but not in a sexual way. His face was buried into my neck and he finally stopped flipping around..he was asleep. After a few minutes of smiling.. I was finally able to pass out too.


Submissive and breedable..weeee

Okok I'm trying but it's 2 am..no excuse but it is one all at the same time man. Idk if I should make it spicy [idfk] or not, cause like, I don't want to ruin the story b/c of one or two seggsy [ew] scenes I'm so unbelievably tired, it isn't even funny atm. My eyes BURN man..anyways, I love you,have an amazing day <3

[[That was cringy]]

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