poor Dally

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Dally POV

I threw the cigerette onto the ground and kept walking down the sidewalk. Man, it sure has been boring. Soda wasn't home today, he was out doing something with Two-Bit. I've been hangin with Soda more than Johnny hangs with Pony. Soda needed me, I think. Maybe Sodapop doesn't like my company, barely anyone does these days. I'm Dallas, Dallas fucking Winston, who likes that guy? This stupid feeling that I keep getting when I'm away from him. He hates me, doesn't he. Sodapop is better off with me in jail again, that's probably why he never sleeps, I keep him up. Why am I so stupid? He probably needs a break, a break from me. A break from trouble, that night when we went on a walk, not even Darry wanted him to be with me, did he tell him he didn't like me? Maybe.

My thoughts were interrupted with the sound of a door being slammed shut. "well well well, look what we have here" I heard someone say. Damn socs. "Get lost" I said as I turned to face them. "Wouldn't want you to end up like Bob, now would we?"
When I said that.. the kids expression changed. He stared at me, his eyes flaming with rage. I saw him take out a switch. "Oh, well I guess it needs to be even then." He said as he stepped toward me. Dammit..I forgot mine, I decided to go on a walk and forgot my damn blade! I wanted to run, but what use was it now. "Get the hell away from me or.." what do I say? "Or what? You gonna call out for your dad?" ... shitty move man..

One soc grabbed my arm and slammed me against a fence. It was rusted rusted parts of it stabbed into my side. The one guy placed the tip of his blade to the center my throat. "Right here," he said, pushing the blade down "quick, quiet, and easy" He smirked. He pulled the blade away from my neck and slowly pushed it into my thigh. I tried pushing them off but it was no use. The pain sent chills down my spine and I let out a yelp. "Shut up, or the tongue is the next thing to go. Maybe then you'll learn to keep your mouth shut, greaser!"

They left me on the sidewalk. My body hurt. Damn, those socs weren't playing. They left me for dead on a sidewalk, a fucking sidewalk! My clothes were sticking to me. They were stained with blood, dammit, they were nice clothes too. My heart was racing so fast, it hurt to breath, it hurt to even try and get up. They stabbed me all over, but nowhere that would immediately kill me.. they wanted me to suffer. My name is about to be in the paper. man..I wish I would've got to see Soda smile one more time.

Soda POV

I was freaking out in the ambulance. I found Dallas on the sidewalk, I'm not sure he was even breathing. Fucking Socs, why can't they just leave us alone? We're all just dumb kids. Oh, poor Dally. "He's gonna be alright, kid" I heard the doctor say. I nodded but I couldn't help but think about the first time this happened with Pony and Johnny, Ponyboy nearly gave us a heart attack, Johnny was lucky Ponyboy dragged him out. I hated bein in this ambulance. I really did.

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