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Ponyboy POV

Soda and Dallas have been acting all weird lately..I'm not sure why. Before Sodapop was put in jail they barely ever spoke, but after he got out they were inseparable. Soda is always blushing around him and Dallas is too, so maybe they're more than friends..not like I care, me and Johnny have been together since the 2nd night at the church,


"Ponyboy" I heard Johnny say. I opened my eyes to see him standing over me. "What is it?" I asked. He stood quietly. It was dark and I could just barely see him. I sat up and tilted my head to the side. "Johnnycake? What happened?.." I questioned. "Nothing happened..I'm just..cold" He answered. I laughed quietly. "Come here then," I said. I felt him curl up against my stomach and shiver. He really was cold. I wrapped my arm around his waist and pulled him closer. "Better?"

"Yeah" He mumbled. I took the shirt Dallas gave me off and folded it, putting it under his head like a pillow. "Ponyboy? That's your shirt, put it on you're gonna get sick" He said. I shrugged. "I'll be fine" I stated. He didn't say anything else..not for a while anyway. His breathing was shaky. "If you rolled over you'd probably be warmer.." I whispered. He flipped proud and pressed his head against my chest. "Ponyboy..I wish I hadn't done it. Then you'd be home and safe" He said. "It doesn't matter where I long as you're there then I'm OK" I said. "If I had to stay here for years with you then I would"
After I said it he mumbled something just loud enough for me to hear. I love you

And with that, I replied back with "I love you too"

present time—

And after I did he was shocked, and I was too but didn't show it. He confessed to me and I told him I felt the same so then we got together..that was a while ago now.

We all seemed ok. Darry has been decently nice and Steve has too. We were like a family again, and it was nice. The socs have stayed over there..most of them anyway, and there hasn't been many fights with Tim or anything. It was normal again

I walked in with Johnny and walked to me and Sodas room. It was pretty late. I convinced Johnny to stay at our house instead of the lot like I usually did. I'm surprised he's not living with us at this point.

He laid down on the bed and sighed while I got ready for bed.

When I finished I laid beside him and flipped the light off.. he curled up in a ball and closed his eyes.

"Ponyboy" Johnny whispered. "Mhm..?" I whined quietly. "Goodnight.." He said. I smiled and kissed his forehead. "Goodnight"


This was rushed again but it's been a while since I added a real one so I just did it pretty quickly. This was just mainly explaining how things are seen by Ponyboy, and next chapter is going to be how Johnny sees it. It should even out after that but I'm not sure atm so yeah

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