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Dally POV

Yesterday I got into a fight with Sodapop. I physically fight. He said that it was fun to tease me and he didn't live me, so instead of crying like a wimp, I hit him. Ponyboy tried to stop me but I just kept goin, I wouldn't even listen to Johnny. I didn't stop until my hand was painted red and Soda was begging for me to stop, but I didn't care. I proved everyone's point last night, I'm cold-hearted and always will be. When Pony and Johnny helped soda home I heard Pony cursing at me under his breath, and it didn't bother me. But then Johnny turned around with tears in his eyes. The words "You're heartless..Dallas winston" played over and over again. Ponyboy has never been a fan of me, but Johnny having something against me just doesn't sit right.

I sat staring at the Burning cigarette in the empty lot. I didn't sleep, I couldn't. I wanted to know if Soda was OK, but he pissed me off. I couldn't seem to cry either, I just sat there feeling empty as the ashes fell off onto the ground when the wind blew. Someone was running up to the lot. They were giggling. Then I heard a familiar voice, it was Johnny and Ponyboy. I stood up as they ran closer. Pony stopped and Johnny ran into him. "Hey man, what's the-" they both were staring now. I tossed the cigerette onto the ground and turned away while they whispered to eachother.

I shoved my hands into my pockets. "Dallas!" I heard one of them call out my name. I stopped and looked at em, it was Pony. "he didn't mean it" he said. I stared at him. "He sat downstairs waiting for you all night, he wasn't mad at you or nothin" I shook my head. "Thats cool" I said..then kept walking.

I let out a sigh. Sleep is all I want at the moment, a long nap. It's Friday though, apparently Buck is throwing a party and I'd rather not sleep there. Don't want to go home and don't want to see Soda. Though, if I snuck in and passed out on the couch, then I'd able to sleep and then sneak out before he notices. Unless Darry kills me.

I opened the door quietly, I couldn't see Soda, maybe he was gone. I laid down on the couch and closed me eyes, but again, I found myself unable to sleep. There were footsteps that walked into the room, then I felt my head lift up. Someone sat down and placed my head in their lap, running their fingers through my hair. I opened my eyes and looked up at Soda, who's face was messed up. He looked down at me and I closed my eyes, pretending to be asleep. "I'm sorry" he said. "I know you're awake, I just saw your eyes open" He mumbled. I didn't say anything..just nodded. It was quiet now. A part of me wanted to forgive him and not make any moves at all, but another part of me wanted to hold him close, but then again.. I don't ever want to talk to him and continue to be an asshole..but right now I need to sleep. Im comfortable where I am, and knowing I'm not alone helped. I thought about it for a little longer,land eventually passed out.


It sucks man, but whatever. It's also rushed but I feel like it's boring rn so ykyk

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