Chapter 7

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The next day.

Vibha ma went to wake up Abhi. He was sleeping cutely keeping his piggy close to his heart. And he was looking so innocent like a 10 year old kid. Also he was sucking his thump. Vibha smiled seeing him like this. And tried to wake him up.

VM: Abhi …baccha wake up…see it’s morning….but he stirred in sleep and tightened his grip on the toy and slept again.

VM: baccha please wake up na….or else mumma will not give u chocolates today fully….

Abhi sat up with jerk…

Abhi: noo…I want my chocolate…please….he said tears brimming in eyes…

VM got panicked seeing his tears.

VM: ok ok Abhi…mumma will give u chocolate…now don’t cry na…please baccha…

Abhi: u will give….he asked innocently.

VM: haa I will…now get up and get ready…u will be hungry na….

Abhi: but I want to sleep mumma….he said lying back.

VM: arey no more sleeping now get up na…she said and opened the curtains allowing the sunrays to hit his face. He got up again making annoying faces.

Abhi: mumma u are too bad…not allowing Abhi to sleep….he said making vibha ma to chuckle.

The last two dialogues of the conversation was heard by Sid from outside.

Sid: bloody attention seeker….he will surely take mumma from me this time…but I will not let him….he said to himself and went down.

After sometime VM made Sidshek to have their breakfast. Vibha ma was waiting for vaishu to reach so she can get Abhi to treatment and it will be easy to handle him. Sid was just staring at him with hate all through out the breakfast. VM tried her best to tell sid about abhi’s condition and but the situation didn’t allowed. She thought Avu will make him understand.

After that VM got some urgent work in the office. But she was not ready to leave Abhi alone with sid. But they really needed her in office. She went to sid.

VM: sid….

Sid: yes mumma…

VM: u don’t have college today…u are not ready yet…

Sid: no mumma there is some assignment work to be done... Avu and my friends will come…

VM: ohh kk..when will Avu come…

Sid: don’t know ma…why are u asking...…

VM: um..sid…I have some important work in office they really need me there…

Sid: so what ma....go and sort it out….

VM: but…

Sid: but…

VM: Abhi….she said looking at Abhi who was watching tv with his piggy. Sid got irritated on his name itself.

Sid: what’s with him.....

VM: please Sid…take care of him till I come please….for me…

Sid: ok…he said unwillingly. VM went to Abhi.

VM: Abhi…….

Abhi: ha mumma….

VM: mumma has got some urgent work ..u be here and play…I will come soon ook….

Abhi: ok mumma bye….

After that VM left. Sid was in his room. Abhi was playing in the garden when sid’s friends arrived except avu. They saw Abhi playing in the garden with that piggy toy. They got confused as they don't know Abhi is coming back moreover he is mentally unstable.

Fai: hey who is this guy in the garden....

Jai: I also don't know...come lets ask Sid...

Rii: why let's ask himself...come...the trio went to Abhi. He saw them and stopped playing and looked at them curiously....

Fai: hey buddy who are u...

Abhi: I am abhi...who are u...

Fai: we are sid's friends.....what are u doing here....

Abhi: can't u see...I am playing....

Jai: what playing....are u a child to play with toys...

Abhi: it's not a toy...he is my siddhu.....

Fai: guys guys....wait....I think we got a full entertainment today....

Rii: yeah u are right.....ok(turning to Abhi) can we also join with u to play....he said trying to get the piggy from abhi.

Abhi backed off with tightening his grip on the toy.

Abhi: no...siddhu will play with me only.....I will not give him to u....

Fai: arey come on....we will not eat him...give na....he said again tried to snatch it from him. Again Abhi backed off. The trio smirked at eachother and went closer to him. Abhi got scared a little and saw them.

Suddenly jai and fai hold abhi's arms and Riyaz snatched the piggy from him.

Abhi: no...siddhu...give me...give him back to me....please....

But the trio was throwing it to eachother not allowing Abhi to catch it. He was trying to take his siddhu back with tear brimmed eyes....

Sid saw this from his window and got furious and came down quickly....he went to them with full of anger....Abhi saw sid coming to them.

Abhi: sid...sid...tell them to give back....

To be continued.

What do u think sid will do.....

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