Chapter 4

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In mumbai.

Sid was in his room. He was just looking at a picture. His eyes showed soo much of hatred for the person who is on the picture.

 His eyes showed soo much of hatred for the person who is on the picture

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Sid: I hate u…I hate u to the core….why are u trying to comeback in our life….don’t u feel satisfied taking away papa and him from me permanently….now again u are coming…what u want this time….mumma…or me…he said showing full anger on the picture and threw it away on the floor.

The glass frame of the picture broke and the glass pieces scattered there. The picture went and fell near a pair of foot.

Sid: carefull Avu…he will hurt u also even if u are not related to him.....

Avu bent down and carefully took the picture in her hand and called a servant to clean the mess. She went to him.

Avu: what happened Sid…why are u being this much angry.....

Sid: yes I am angry….I don’t want him to come here again….don’t want to come into my life again.

Avu: but sid…he is ur brother sid....he is also ur mom’s son na…it can’t be changed….and also he is coming back from the rehab center after 8 long years…still should we show him the anger…

Sid: but what can I do avu….we..we were a happy family full of love and happiness. But he messed up everything and now he is coming back….why did he went there….because he doesn’t care about us Avu….his happiness and his pleasure is only important for him.

If he would have considered about me and mom means he wouldn’t have done that thing and went to rehab center na….he said while tears brimming in his eyes.

Avu: it’s ok sid….everything has finished…now just keep all those bad memories aside and Get along with him well.

Sid: no avu…I can’t do that just like that….he deserves my hate…he deserves to be hated by me….he said and went away from there when avu sighed in defeat.

On the other hand.

Abhi was ready to go with his mom. Vaishu Was standing beside him saying him to behave good with everyone.

Abhi: vaishu u also come with us na….please……..

Vaishu: no Abhi ..I have some work…I will come and meet u tomorrow ok….

Abhi: promise….

Vaishu: yeah promise….now u will go with mam and be a good boy ok….

Abhi: ok .....but why are u calling mumma as mam….u also call her as mumma….

Vaishu looked at vibha ma in shock. She also smiled at her and nodded in approval. She somewhere knows that what relationship does Abhinavi is sharing and she also knows that only vaishu can handle Abhi at tough times. And she was also happy that her son was in the hands of good and pure souls till today.

Vaishu: ok…I will try to call like that….

Abhi: u will call like that….

VM: haa…and vaishnavi…u are going join in our Nigam industries right…

Vaishu: yes mam….Abhi glared at her…..

Vaishu: sorry mom….happy….she asked Abhi for which he gave a flying kiss to her….vaishu actioned like catching the kiss and keeping it to her heart. Abhi chuckled at her action.Vibha ma was also adoring their relationship and the scene taking place there.

VM: ok ma then u can stay with us in our mansion only….

Abhi: what is mansion….he as curiously and innocently….

VM: it’s our home Abhi….

Abhi: our home has room for vaishu also….wow…then vaishu u will live with me ok……

Vaishu: but mom….

Abhi:. No but ..u want fathers permission…wait I will get u….he said and looked at father….

Fat: I have no objection and also vaishu if u stay with them means it will be helpful for them to handle him in tough situations.

Vaishu: ok father I will go….

Abhi: then come now itself…

Vaishu: arey no baby…I have to go to my old office give them TC( resignation letter as TC to be understood by him) then I have to pack my bags…so many works are there…u go with mom today.....i will come tomorrow ok….

Abhi: ok….he said with a cute angry pout. After that abhi and VM left to their home.









To be continued.  

What will be sid's reaction after seeing him......

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