Chapter 57

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Hey or two more chapters are there....i am gonna miss this book soo much....

Three months passed by...

Yes, three months passed after the disaster happened. But everything seemed to be getting good for all. Abhi has joined a college on his own interest and he too started to work part time just to keep himself busy and not to slip into his past.

Even he got recovered sometimes he would end up in nightmares or panic attacks...but for his comfort vaishu was always there.

As said Abhi really repaid his love to vaishu by making her happy all the times. She was also so happy as she always wanted to make him like this only....get him out of his disorder and pain and give him a normal and a happy life.

On the other hand Sid also understood abhi's situation and gave him time to come back to him fully. But it doesn't meant that they are not in contact.

As per Abhi's plan they always hang out on weekends as a family. Sid was so happy that he got to spend time with his Dada who his brother long back then before everything happened. He was happy to witness the love and care Abhi gives him even if they are not together.

Sid has wondered how Abhi has came to know about his likings and dislikings even he was away from him for long. But everytime they meet Abhi will give him a present which will really take him to their childhood.

Abhi being a elder brother was so protective towards Sid...he knew nothing is gonna happen to sid...but in deep of his mind he was somewhere scared what if sid also will end up in a situation like him. But he will not let that happen for sure....

Vibha ma was the one who was beyond happiness as she got her sons back in track as she wanted. Even she misses Abhi being with them in their home she was satisfied that he is happy out there. But she was thinking why abhi is not willing to come to that home again even after 3 months not for once....

Vaishu tried to get him to the home just for once in a weekend but he denied to go there instead he would invite VM and sid to their house to spend time. All of them understood something is bothering him about that house but they decided not to ask him.

Vaishu and abhi was sitting on their couch watching some movies as it was leave for Abhi and he asked vaishu to stay with him. They were drowned in the movie when they were disturbed by the sound of their door bell.

Abhi stood up and went to open the door and was shocked and confused to see police on the door.

Pol: Abhishek nigam right.....

Abhi: yes...

Pol: sir...i am inspector dhruv....commissioner sir personally sent me to give u this information....can I come in....

Abhi: yeah..come...he said letting them in.

Vaishu stopped the movie and looked at them in confuse.

Pol: sir...please don't react...its my duty ....

Abhi: what's the problem sir....he asked getting nervous as he got something is wrong....

Pol: Ashok nigam has escaped from the prison after killing his wife Avantika...

Abhinavi: WHAT......

Pol: yes sir....we suspect he may come for u....

Abhi: could he kill chachi....they were in different blocks right....

Pol: yes sir....but today he asked to meet her for once. When they met in the meeting room they seemed to have a cold conversation which led to a quarrel....he started to beat her and when one of the officer tried to take him away he took the gun from him shot her dead....and also he escaped from the prison taking the officer as hostage....

Abhi gasped on hearing everything...even now Ashok is not ready to stop being a criminal after everything he has killed his own wife....what else he will hesitate to do more than this....

Abhi: what happened to that officer...

Pol: he is fine....we saved him on the road where he knocked him down...but still he has the only....commissioner sir wanted me to come to u to deliver this message as there is a lot chance he can come for u....

Abhi just nodded in acceptance....

Pol: and one more thing sir...We need u to co operate with us come to ur mansion back as we can provide the security over there....and also vibha mam is returning home with the protection of our team...

Abhi: ohh kk...hey what about sid....he asked in a worried and concerned tone....

Pol: another team has been sent to his college to get him back to home and aslo a team to accompany his friends to reach home safely....

Abhi: thank u....

Pol: so please pack some of ur needy things as u have to be in ur mom's mansion till we get hold of Ashok....

Abhi: ok....he said unwillingly and said vaishu to pack some essential things as he has his room filled with his things there....

The police was waiting for vaishu to come when his phone rang....he attended it and sounded tensed.

Abhi: what happened officer....

Pol: that's....

Abhi: what's wrong....

Pol: the team couldnt find Siddharth in the college...but his friends are there....he is missing.......
To be continued

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