Chapter 20

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I am not satisfied with the votes of the previous chapter but here is ur second chapter.....I hope u guys will like it...

VM: are u mad Ashok....didn't u hear what he said.....he said that abhi to die.....she whispered the last line looking abhi and got shocked on the scene.

Abhi was not there...

VM/vaish: ABHI.....they saw him slowly walking towards the stairs.

Abhi: i killed them...because of me siddhu is gone...i killed them....he was mumbling to himself and ran to his room. Vaishu and Bantu quickly went behind him.

Here VM was really frustrated and she didn't know what to do..Ashok and Avanti took sid to his room. Avu went with them.

With Abhi

He was sitting in the corner of the room hugging a photo frame which contained their family photo. All the 5 of them were there.

Abhi was crying uncontrollably. Vaishu and Bantu came to him and tried to calm him down.

'i wish u could have died on that day instead of papa and siddhu....'......his words were ringing in his ears continuously. His mind and brain was battling among themselves that his mind said he is the reason for their death and his brain said no.

Atlast his mind won as it was the one which went through the pain of Sid's words u could have died instead of them....

Abhi: yeah...i killed them....i am the reason....i killed them....

Vaishu: abhi...what are u u didn't do anything...

Abhi: no vaishu...sid was right...i only killed them...that's why they sent me to children's jail....

Vaishu: what...jail...abhi what are u talking about....but he didn't answered her.

Abhi: yes i only killed them....he was right....I should have  died instead of what i will die now....he said and stood up.

Even before vaishu and Bantu could process his words, he pushed them away and ran to the balcony and opened it.

Bantu came to senses and ran to him and pulled him down a second before he was about to jump....

Bantu: what are u doing abhi....come inside....he said pulling him in..

Abhi: no....sid was right....i killed them...i will die...i will go to god and ask him to send back papa and siddhu back....i killed them Bantu....i am the reason....he was just blabbering it again and again...and he started to breath heavily and his mumbling was increasing second by second....

Bantu saw him and understood he is going under a panic attack....he slapped tightly to make him come back in senses but it doesn't worked.

Abhi started to breath more heavily and also he found difficult to speak also now....

Vaishu: Bantu....let's take him to hospital before something happens....i am really scared...please....

Bantu: ok...come...then they took Abhi somehow to the car and took him to hospital. On the way itself he fainted as a result of heavy breathings.

With sid.

He was just sitting on the study table. His mind was fully on his mother slapped him. But his mind and the two other devil's didn't allowed him to think what he said was wrong....

Avan: I didn't thought he will do like this....i saw how sid was writing the assignment from last two days....but he spoilled it in a second....for him vibha di slapped u....she said faking her tears...

Avu: sid...what was that behaviour....i know that assignment is important...but do u think bhai will do this intentionally.....his health is more important for us....

Avan: hey could u take his side just like that....u are sid's classmate....can't u understand the pain and don't u know how much assignement is important....

Avu: yeah aunty...i know how much that assignment is important 100 times more than u....but it's not spoilled fully....only last 2 or 3 pages are only torned...and that can be written again in just half an hour.....

That's when sid looked at the papers correctly...but Ashok diverted him.

Ash: sid...come i will put ointment on ur could bhabhi slap u like this...see her whole handprint is in ur cheek ...he said again diverting the topic...

Avu: uncle please....don't put ur own oil in already burning fire....sid u know this 3 papers can be re written in next half an hour....but u have wasted 3 months of efforts which we put on him to recover....and i wish u should open ur eyes fully and look what's happening around u....she said eyeing Ashok and Avanti.

Avan: hey u girl.....this is our family matter....just stay out of it u bitch....what are u thinking....we don't know whats ur befriend him and being clingy on him can fetch  money whenever u want right.....she said spitting out her venom.

Avu's eyes teared up till now on her words and moreover Sid was silent all over the conversation....

Avu: how dare u to talk to me like that Mrs. u know who I am huh.....she shouted on her

Sid: Avneet....shut up....behave urself ...they are my family....

Avu was shocked to death on hearing this...

Avu: thank u mr.siddharth nigam....thank for showing my place in ur life....

Sid: why are u calling me with full name....

Avu: u only did it first mr.siddharth....and thank u...after all the scene happened here....after all the words she said to me...u  proved that what u are....from now i am no one to u....she said and took her bag and stormed out of the room with tears in her eyes. He was also in tears but two souls were happy behind them and smirking evily that their plan worked very well.....

In hospital.

The doctor came out of the ICU.

To be continued.

Any words for Avu's desicion....
What would have happened to Abhi....
Will sid realise his mistake....

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