Chapter 17

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After some days.

Abhi was still on the impact of that incident. Vaishu and VM tried to be with him always and not to let him remember his past. But even they were with him the words of that guy was haunting him. He was even scared to go to the garden alone.

On the other hand Ashok and Avanti was acting like being good with abhi. But whenever they got chance they made him suffer by doing small small things.

Once while Abhi was coming from his room Ashok blocked him on the way. Abhi got scared and was about to call for his mom but he threatened him to keep quite and tried to rekindle his past.

And also whenever they all were with abhi Ashok used to talk about Abhi's father making him to go restless.

Sid  was in his room writing his assignment when Ashok and Avanti came.

Avan: sid...baccha what are u doing....

Sid: haa's my assignment....I have to submit in 2 days....

Ash: ohhh kk...then Avanti come...let's don't disturb him....let him write...we will come afterwards...

Sid: it's ok chachu....come...

Then they sat with him and chit chatted for sometime...then slowly they started the topic...

Ash: sid...I want to ask u something....

Sid: tell me chachu...

Ash: it's....

Sid: what happened....anything serious....

Avan: it's nothing baccha....he wants to talk about Abhi with u....

Sid: what's about dada...

Ash: this thing only....u started to call him as Dada too...

Sid stopped writing and looked at him.

Ash: i know sid he is ur brother....but I...i cant forget what he did....

Sid: chachu...what are u saying...

Ash: sid even i have love for him....but everytime when I saw him...the only thing comes to my mind is what he did to my brother....he said emphasising the last two words....

Ash: because of him i lost my brother sid...I mean u lost ur papa....

Avan: haa...and u just forgave him just like that....and started to love him like he didn't done anything....

Sid: chachu please....i know what he did....because of him i lost my siddhu....and also he was selfish about his own welfare and pleasure....but now he needs us....he is mentally sick...he needs all of ours love...then only he can recover from his problem....

Ash: but do u think he is really mentally sick....

Sid: what...what are u talking chachu...

Avan: Haan bachha....i also have the doubt because he is normal sometimes that too with that vaishnavi....actually who is that girl....why is she living with us and always clinging on abhi....

Sid: chachi...she is the one who took care of Abhi bhai in the orphanage...and she in not clingy...she loves him only mom decided that she will live with us...

Avan: wow...she loves him...who in the world will love a mentally sick i am sure....1. she is behind our money and 2. Abhi is acting like he is sick...

Sid: chachi's not like u are thinking....dada is really sick....even if u have doubt on his behaviour his medical reports can't say lie na....and about vaishu di...she is with him from even before she came to know about dada's real identity...and also she just lives in this mansion and all her expenses are done from only her salary.....He said in a cold tone...

Ash: it's ok sid....u continue ur work....we are spoiling ur mood i think....come Avanti...let's go for a ride...he said signalling her to stop talking.

Avan: hmm ok....actually I also have to buy some things....ok baccha u write ur assignments we will come after wards...

Sid: hmm ok...then they left looking at eachother.

After they went sid couldn't concentrate on his work. Ashok and Avanti's words were ringing in his mind.

Sid: why did they said like I doing wrong to papa and siddhu by forgiving him...actually I didn't forgive him...i am just supporting him to recover but that also doesn't mean my love is fake...... head is like it is to  burst out... I hate this feeling....what should I do now...again to hate him...or to ignore chachu and chachis words....i am confused....he threw the pen aside in frustration and went to his bed and layed down and soon sleep engulfed him as he was really tired and his mind was messed up now....

On the other hand.

Ashok and Avanti was in a cafe waiting for someone. After few minutes that guy who came to threaten abhi came there.

Ash: hi much time we have to wait for u....

Ajay: sorry sir...i got stuck in traffic...

Avan: hmm it's ok...but u know u have did a very good job...u chocked him....she said laughing...

Ajay: first it was not in my plan...but he started to only to shut him up I chocked him....

Ash: hmm...u told the dialogue right....

Ajay: yeah..." Be ready....i will take u from here soon...." He said in low and dangerous tone how he said to Abhi and started to laugh accompanied by the both.

Ash: ok stop....take this ur money...he said and gave him an amount of 25k...

Ajay: thank u me if u want me again...

Avan: yeah yeah...we will definitely call u again...but wait for sometime....before that we have some work there in home...

Ajay: ohh kk mam...then I will take leave...bye...he said and left.

Ash: Avanti...i think we have an important job in home like u said...

Avanti: haa...we have to to do something to make distance between siddharth and abhi...

Ash: yes...we have spent a lifetime for this and he changed in just 4 months....

Avan: yes...and also he started to back answer us did u noticed that...

Ash: yeah...i saw...but abhi will get punishment for that...he said smirking evily...

Avan: hmm...i have a plan..listen.....

But this whole scene was saw by Avu. She was in the same cafe but they didn't saw her and also she didn't heard their talking but she saw them giving money to Ajay...

Avu: who was that guy....they gave money to him....should we tell this to he will get angry on me because he loves them soo much....but some thing is fishy here...have to keep an eye on them....
To be continued.

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Will Avu find the truth of Ashok and Avanti....will Sid believe her....

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