It was all my fault

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"I'm so scared"Song: In the end by Linkin Park

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"I'm so scared"
Song: In the end by Linkin Park

Gianna POV

"What do you mean Nat? What's happening?" James and I looked at everyone confused as we all sat in the conference room. "Natasha is there something you and Steve know that we don't?" Dad asked my best friend. "Remember pietro has a twin right?" Everyone nodded and Steve stood up and spoke up.

"Bucky before you react I promise you we just found out but Wanda had a twin and that twin was" I was spacing out trying to understand but then it clicked. "Pietro's fucking twin sister Wanda tried to kill Peter what the hell is going on" Bucky was trying to understand what we were saying. "Was Wanda's last name Maximoff?"

Bucky asked as we all nodded and his expression changed to flat out furious.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Dad asked clearly worried. "Tony Wanda and Pietro are twins which means they knew what they were doing" I couldn't breathe so I started hyperventilating and run outside and walk over to the training room and just screamed.

"Gigi? I need you to breathe ok? Calm down and take a deep breath ok?" I nod and inhale then exhale shakily as Clint came and hugged me and once again I just broke down. "We called for backup to keep an eye on the place they should be here any minute" We hear a loud pair of footsteps.

"Where is my little warrior princess?" I looked over and wipe my eyes to see Thor who is like an older brother me. I got up and ran into his arms and hugged him.

"I heard what happened about Loki little warrior and the Maximoff twins I'm so sorry but I have a surprise for you" he wiped my eyes as the three of us walked outside to see two of my other favorite people.

"Gia! Oh my god come here I'm sorry your going through shit" I hugged one of my best friends Sam and just cried in his arms. "Sammy I'm so scared" he hugged me as someone cleared their throat getting my attention. "What am I chop liver? I swear just because he's close with you I'm always forgotten" I smiled weakly and hugged Sharon my childhood best friend.

"T-this was the backup?" dad nodded and kissed my forehead. "So what's this all about this Bucky we've heard so much about" I looked around and their was no trace of Steve Natasha or James. "Uh dad did you say something to him?" He puts his hands up in the air. "Don't look at me I didn't drop the bombshell I still don't like the thought of you two hanging out" I sighed giving up.

"Dinner!!!" Mom yelled. "Yes peppers cooking which means her homemade enchiladas and famous lemonade ice tea" Sam shouted making everyone laugh aa they all took add leaving me and Sharon to walk together.

"Look I know your pretty freaked out and you feel Peter almost dying your fault but it's not Gia trust me when we find them they'll go to jail for a long time" I smiled and the two of us walked inside for dinner. We went to sit down with Nat and saw that James and Steve were in deep conversation. "How are you holding up James?" He turns to look at me worried. "Let her this is what Gianna does even when she is hurting" Steve added.

James looked in my eyes and smiled. "You and I both know I'm not okay hell your not ok especially after the news we both received" we stared at each other not sure what to say. "Maybe tomorrow to get your guys mind of of things the 6 of us head over to the lake" Sharon suggested.

"I think that's a great idea Sharon while we figure out what to do with the Loki and Maximoff situation" mom added. We all looked at dad and he glared at James. "You make one move on my kid I'll kill you myself Barnes" James just laughed. "That's just nasty Tony how many times have I told you I don't go after kids" everyone but tony laughed even I thought it was funny.

"I didn't even-never mind" mom chuckles as we all finished dinner and we headed to bed well except for Sam Sharon Steve Natasha James and I went to the entertainment room. "Let's way h mamma miA!" Sharon and Natasha shouted. As for Steve and Sam groaned making me laugh.

In the corner of my eye I saw that James was just admiring me so I walked to him and sat next to him. "Ok so other then your family how do you know Steve and Sam?" James looked into my eyes and smiled looking at me passionately. "I grew up with Steve our family's lived really close to each other as for Sam he irritates me" I laughed looking at Sam. "Oh I can tell your like rush hour it's kinda funny"

"I don't even know what that means" James looked confused and I shouted to Sam. "Hey Rush Hour!" Sam nodded and he pulled up the movie. "A cop movie?" I smiled and pecked James's cheek and he grinned cause we both knew we liked it but it's too soon. "You'll love it come on"

To be continued..

Authors note: So that happened.. a peck on the cheek is all that is gonna happen right now. Sam and Sharon? Should they? But who's ready for interaction between Bucky and Sam 😂

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