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"resting bitch face"Song: Positions by Ariana Grande

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"resting bitch face"
Song: Positions by Ariana Grande

"Alright you ladies have fun, Loki watch Gianna closely I have a feeling some men are gonna wanna be handst with what's mine" James informed loki and they all nodded. "See you handsome and remember you get to come home to this" I pointed to my body as James growled in my ear and Sam dragged him away.
"It's party time!" Wanda exclaimed making us all laugh.

-30 minutes later-

We arrived to a club I went to for my 21st birthday so we got in right away because of my family's reputation. We sat over in a vip huge booth section then not even a minute later Wanda got drinks for everyone loki and Thor not including because they were our bodyguards. "Is she drunk already?" Mom yelled. "Yep! No surprise there!"

Wanda grabbed my hand. "Let's go dancing!" Before I could argue they dragged me to the dance floor and we danced for what felt like hours. "Don't you love girls night" it was so loud I could barely breathe. "I'll be right back I'm gonna go outside for some fresh air" she nodded and I headed outside and grabbed my coat.

But once again I felt like someone was watching me. "Uh hello anyone out there?" I was slowly panicking so I did what I was trained to do and got ready to grab my gunny but before I could do that a guy grabbed me causing me to scream and squirm. "Look who we have here Gianna Stark, all alone" the first guy laughed causing his friends to laugh as well. "Leave me the hell alone!" I yelled. "Or what doll?" The second guys asked and that nickname alone made me shiver. "Or you deal with me?" I looked over and saw it was loki and I felt relieved. They all laughed and loki clocked his gun but what scared them is was multiple guns flocking into place.

"I suggest you let the girl go!" The man shouted. They all looked they were about to shit themselves so they ran faster then they could. I turned to them and realized it was the guys. Oh shit. "Tell me your not hurt Gia" James hugged me protectively. My adrenaline was so high I closed my eyes and nodded making James relax a little bit. "How the hell did you find me?" I asked. "We'..."

-a couple hours ago Bucky Pov-

"Gia is gonna kill me your greatest idea was a fucking stripper club" I glared at Sam. "Don't forget some of us are either married or in a relationship" tony added. "Relax nothing bad will happen" we all glared at Sam and just as he said that one of the girl was trying so hard to subtly flirt with me making me very uncomfortable.

"Hi! my name is Katie what's yours?" personally i didn't know she was talking to me cause i was to busy glaring at sam. "You gonna answer her?" Tony whispers. "Bucky." I look at her and turn back to sam. "Would you like to dance?" I grit my teeth. "Sorry. I'm gay and they thought it would be funny to drag me here. Isn't that right...babe." I put my arm around sam. "Oh.. I'm sorry. Excuse me." Sam and Tony start laughing once she's far away. "Just have some fun." I sigh. "I love Gia and like i said.. GIA WILL FUCKING KILL ME. Have you seen her training? She's about as stealth as Nat was. FUCK THAT." Sam burst out laughing. " I appreciate you being so loyal to my daughter." Tony bumps my arm. I give a smile and nod. Sam is still laughing "Fuck you dude. I'm leaving." He stops laughing. "Oh come on. Fine we will hit the bar downtown."

We get to the bar and it's busy as fuck. We head inside and see everyone dancing on a small floor and everyone else sitting at tables. "This is more like it." I grin and we all sit and chat. "How far is the club Gia went to from here?" I ask sam. "Hmm about 10 minutes or so." I check my phone and make sure she is at the club. I put a tracking device in her holster because i'm not going to have a repeat of last time. She might be angry but at least i'll be able to find her.

Two girls come up to the table to flirt with Tony and Sam. I have a "resting bitch face" is what Gia always calls it. I watch them head off to the dance floor and dance while I order a whiskey on the rocks. The waitress hits on me again and I keep ignoring her. Finally she left me alone after putting a picture of Gia and I as my lock screen. I can't stop laughing watching them dance. Sam and Tony walk back over. "You guys wanna go crash Gias party?" My face immediately lights up. "Let's go."

We are about 15 feet from the club and I heard a scream come from the side of the club. "It sounds like Gia!" Tony said and We all rush over. We pull our guns out and cock them back. They scatter immediately.

-Present Bucky POV-

"We wanted to come crash the party... surprise" Sam says making us all laugh. "How did you guys know we were here?" Sam lifts his hand up. "I asked wanda and she told me." She smiles. "I'm glad you guys were here when i needed you. Dad? Why are you hanging out with these three idiots.?" She lightly pushes Sam. "Your mom was taking care of Morgan and wanted me to hang out more with them so now i'm here." She giggles. She turns to me and gives me a sharp glare. "Now the real question is why were YOU at the strip club?" She pokes my chest really hard. "IT WAS SAMS IDEA I SWEAR!" She looks at Tony. "Is that true dad?" He nods. "Sleep with one eye open tonight Sam." His eyes go wide. "Wait. How did you know I was at the strip club?" Her eyes go wide. "umm.. Lucky guess?" She nervously laughs. "No no no. Tell me. I'd love to know." She signs and spins me around pulling a small chip out from under the tag of my jacket.

"I worry about you.. Im sorry i overstepped but i don't want anything to happen to you." My heart immediately melts knowing she worries about me when i go out.

"I may have done the same thing but it's in your holster." She starts laughing. "So maybe we're both scared." She giggles. We head inside and dance for a while then head back home.

To be continued..
Authors note: what an eventful night for Gia and Bucky😂 also were so close to the end of part 1 a secret that could change the lives of Gia Bucky and the gang and we made it to 5k on tiktok y'all!!!

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