Chapter 1

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Clara was out on an afternoon run when she felt her phone start buzzing in her side pocket. She pulled to the side and she was half-surprised to see Dr. Raynor calling.

"Hello?" Clara answered the phone.

"Hello, Ms. Peters. This is Dr. Raynor, Bucky's therapist. I was wondering if you were aware that he had not come to the session today." Clara wiped the sweat off her forehead.

"Uhh...yes. He had some urgent business to attend to and he left very last last night. He should be home soon though."

"Actually, Mr. Barnes is currently being held at the Baltimore police department in Maryland. I'm not sure if he told you, but these sessions are mandatory, so if he misses one, then that would be against the law."

"Uhhh...okay, well I'll just drive down there and bail him out."

"Don't worry. The government already has someone coming to meet you. They will be waiting outside your apartment at 17:35 on the dot. See you in a bit." Clara hung up the call and sat down on a bench near by. Frustrated, she threw her head back and covered her eyes with her forearm.

"Oh, Bucky..." she whispered to herself. I knew something was gonna happen. Something is always gonna happen with that man. She looked down at her watch. It was 4:27. She was going to get picked up in an hour.

       "There goes my run." Clara got up from the bench and started walking back in the direction of her apartment.

         Clara sat on the steps to her apartment building. She looked at her phone. 5:35. They should be here soon, whoever it is. She sat there, watching the cars go by and people walking past her. Then she heard honking snd she looked up to see a black SUV pull up in front of her. Clara stood up, but she couldn't see inside the car. All the windows were tinted, so all she could see was her reflection. She approached the car slowly, and the window rolled down. Clara felt her heart stop when she saw John Walker smiling at her. His helmet was off, but she could tell that he was wearing that stupid looking suit.

"Nice to finally meet you, Ms. Peters. I'm a...big fan of the whole wolf get up you got there." He pushed open the door and scooted to the far side of the car. "Please, come in." Clara looked at the car, then slowly got in. She could see Walker smiling at her as she climbed in. She closed the door and buckled up. "Umm...this is my friend Lemar Hoskins." He pointed to the passenger seat, and a man turned around and waved at her. Clara nodded her head respectfully, but didn't say anything. Walker nodded to the chauffeur, and the car took off. Clara looked straight ahead, but she could feel Walker's blue eyes staring at her.

"Wow," he said, unfortunately breaking the silence. "I mean...when I was told I was going to be picking up the Clara Peters. Well I didn't believe it. I've heard all about your story. Your mom being a part of Hydra and hiding out with Bucky. And then you dying and coming back to life. Just so...inspirational." Please shut up. Clara just smiled.

"Didn't think my life was that moving." She continued to stare forward, and she saw in the corner of her eye Walker scoot a little closer.

"You know...earlier today, I actually got to meet Bucky and Sam. One would save I even saved their lives." Clara sort of gave him the side eye.

"How so?" She realized that Bucky probably wouldn't tell her anything, so he would been the best source.

"Well, him and Wilson were tracking a group called the Flag Smashers... have you heard of them?" Clara shrugged.

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