Chapter 8

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"This place? Really?" The five of them were following Sharon in some kind of cargo maze. Large cargo containers were stacked at least a six boxes up and were everywhere. We were across from the city, and Clara hoped they never had to go back there.

"Hey, I'm just following the directions given to me." Sharon looked left and right before deciding to turn right.

"Where does he even hide his lab? Unless it's underground or something like that?" Sharon just shrugged, and they continued to speed walk past the metal containers.

"Madripoor...they really know how to party," Zemo brought up the party from lasts night. "Why not stay a little longer? Have a little more fun while we can?" Both Sam and Bucky looked at Zemo, who shrugged. "Just a suggestion."

"Yeah, we'll, the longer you're in Madripoor, the less likely you're ever leaving." Sharon stopped in front of one of the containers, stacked three high. "Alright. He's in there. Container 4261." Sharon put her phone in her pocket, and she reached in her other pocket, pulling out earpieces for all of them to wear. "I'll buy you guys some time while you talk to Nagel," Sharon explained as they put on their earpieces.

"Are you sure you don't need help out here?" Clara offered her assistance, but Sharon declined.

"I can handle these guys, don't worry about me. But do hurry, we are on borrowed time." Sharon looked at them all and dipped her head. "Hope you find the information you're looking for." She put her hands in her pockets and she sped off to go keep watch. They all stared at each other, and they Sam went over to an orange container, opening the door.

The door creaked loudly, and Clara was scared that their cover was going to be blown right then and there. But when they stepped inside, it was completely pitch black. Not just that, but it was also completely empty.

"Hey Sharon, are you sure this is the right one? It's completely empty." They all stood still at the entrance, confused and waiting for an answer.

"Positive," Sharon's voice rang in her ear. "It has to be." Sam looked back at us, and he threw his hands in the air, unsure. Clara stepped into the container slowly, and right away, she picked up a scent. It was faint, but she got something. It wasn't a scent she recognized, but it was a human scent. She looked back at the guys.

"Sharon's right. Someone's been in here." They all looked at each other, and one by one, they stepped into the container. Bucky hung out by the door of the place, and Zemo turned on his flashlight. Clara watched as he shined the light around the room. She watched, curious as he paced over to the far corner of container. She pointed the flashlight up, then looked as if he was outlining some kind of shape. Did he find something? He did. A seconds later, he pushed on the wall of the container, and a loud click echoed throughout the empty container. Zemo pushed the rectangular shape, revealing a doorway. Clara, Sam, and Bucky all looked at each other. Sam and Bucky took out their guns, and Clara got ready to fight whoever would fight them.

Sam went up the stairs first, followed by
Zemo went right behind them, holding the flashlight. Bucky went right behind Zemo's and Clara was the last to go. Bucky looked back at Clara, then looked behind her at the opened door. Clara looked back as well, just out of curiosity, then made her way up the stairs. As soon as she hit the first step, she could hear music blasting from the very top of the staircase. As Clara went up the stairs, the man's scent became stronger and stronger. But she also started to smell other things as well: chemicals mostly.

They made it to the top of the stairs, and Clara kept her guard up. She was aware of any corner, in case someone was hiding behind it. She tried to listen for anyone as well, but the music was very loud. Bucky and Sam had sped ahead, making sure the coast was clear before confronting Nagel. Zemo was just exploring. Clara looked around at the secret lab as well. She saw lots and lots of test tubes as well as chemicals and elements stacked neatly behind glass boxes. A lot of the test tubes had blue liquids in it, some of them had red. There were microscopes, flasks, basically everything you see in a high school chemistry class. Clara eventually met back up with Sam, who made his rounds. Bucky hung back to guard the exit.

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