Chapter 12: Two Unwanted Visitors

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Hello beautiful people!! I want to say a quick thank you to everyone reading this story! It means so so much :) Anyways, I won't bore you with a long Authors Note so here's the new chapter of A Love That Feels Right... remember to vote-comment-fan :) P.S - a big Christy & Louis moment will be soon, I've decided where to put it... sick with me guys! You won't regret it :)

Much Love, Brittany xx

**Christy’s POV**

I stood there in the doorway, rooted in my spot, staring up into the dark brown angry eyes belonging to Jack. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Kim tense up having taken notice of who was at the door.

“W-what are you doing here?” I stuttered trying not to freak the hell out.

“I’m here because of you and that wimpy guy that El dated!” Jack replied taking a step towards me.

“Why? My life is no business of yours!” I snapped finding my voice again.

“Yes it is! You are mine and I won’t let that pathetic accuse for a man ruin it.” He growled taking another step forward; bringing him about a foot away from me.

“Louis is NOT pathetic! YOU ARE!” I hissed curling my fist at my side, which Jack of course noticed and smirked.

“Aw, you fancy the little man?!” Jack sneered “How precious is that.”

“Don’t call him names and you and I are done, forever! We are never getting back together. We were done as soon as you cheated on me with Amber!” I growled remaining unmoved under his sneer.

Amber was a girl I knew back in High School. She was the black haired school slut to say the least. She’d screw any guy that came her way, as would her two wannabes, Nicole and Tara. I knew for a fact that all of them had slept with Jack while we were together, but Amber had been the first.

“What did you expect? You never put out!” Jack snapped and I withdrew slightly, oh no he didn’t just go there!

“I’M NOT FUCKING AMBER!! I DON’T FUCK EVERY GUY I SEE! AND I’M GLAD I NEVER GAVE IT UP TO YOU BECAUSE YOU WERE A FUCKING ASSHOLE!” I yelled causing Kim to cover her mouth in shock. I never really was one to curse a lot, but that didn’t mean I didn’t know how.

“Don’t you dare yell at me you little bitch!” Jack growled towering over me.

“I’ll do whatever the hell I want! YOU DON’T OWN ME!” I snapped crossing my arms over my chest.

I glared at Jack and noticed his eyes wonder down to my neck where the necklace from Louis lay proudly.

“Where’d that come from?” Jack asked harshly not taking his eyes off the necklace.

“It was a gift, not that it’s any of your business.” I retorted covering the precious pendant with my hand.

“It’s from him isn’t it?!” Jack growled narrowing his eyes.

“It’s none of your business who it’s from!” I snapped hoping he wouldn’t do anything.

“IT IS, ISN’T IT?!” Jack yelled looking at me with furious eyes.

“Yes.” I squeaked suddenly a little frightened by the anger swimming in his dark brown orbs.

Suddenly Jack reached out and wrapped his hand tightly around the wrist of the hand that was covering the necklace and began pulling it away. I fought with all my strength to keep my hand over the pendant but I knew I was no match.

Jack ripped my hand away from my neck and took hold of the necklace with the other hand. He held it momentarily and looked it over before looking me in the eyes with an evil glare. I knew exactly what he was about to do…

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