Chapter 16: Hate and Coffee Stains

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Hey everybody!! Omg this story is at almost 6000 reads, that is insane, THANK YOU!!! Seriously, thank you to every single person that has read this story, it means a lot!! Here's the newest chapter, I really hope you all enjoy it!! Remember to vote/comment/fan :)

Much Love, Brittany xx

**Christy’s POV**

I woke up at 10am the following morning; Kim and I hadn’t gotten back to the hotel until almost 2:30 last night. Pushing away the covers, I sat up and stretched before turning to look at my nightstand. There, sparkling in the morning sunlight lay the fixed Butterfly Heart pendant. I smiled remembering the events of the night… Louis had asked me to be his girlfriend and he had kissed me right at the stroke up midnight. Last night had been the perfect way to bring in the New Year.

Jumping out of bed I snatched up my hair brush, running it through my long locks before picking up a hair tie and tying my hair back in a loose ponytail. I could hear Kim in the kitchen apparently making breakfast and… singing? I chuckled to myself as I walked into the bathroom to brush my teeth, hopefully there would still be food left when I came out.

“Is there any left?” I asked walking into the kitchen 10 minutes later.

“Of course there is, I’m not a pig!” Kim said rolling her eyes.

I snorted; she ate all the time and never gained a pound! “Riiiight, totally not a pig…”

Kim looked up from where she was frying bacon and gave me a shove before muttering, “Shut up”

Laughing I snitched a piece of the crispy bacon just avoiding being slapped as I darted away from the stove. “Missed me!” I called over my shoulder.

“One of these days…” I heard Kim mutter as I walked out of the kitchen.

I couldn’t help but laugh. Anytime she fried bacon I would always hurry in and snitch a piece before darting away and not once had she managed to slap me for it.

Pulling my laptop into my lap I logged into twitter and clicked to view my mentions. My eyes widened as I scanned the page… there were a lot of tweets to me…

“You’re that girl that’s been hanging around 1D aren’t you?”

“You’re the chick Louis likes? Ew.”

“So you’re the one who ruined Louis and Eleanor’s relationship… bitch.”

“You don’t deserve Louis… you’re ugly.”

I stared at the screen blankly, I knew people would eventually figure out who I was but I didn’t expect so many people to be so mean about it. People that dated celebs got hate… but this was crazy… there wasn’t a single nice comment that I could see on my mentions.

Kim walked into the living room with a plate of food just as I shut my laptop roughly and shoved it off my lap and onto the sofa.

“What’s wrong?” Kim asked handing me the plate which I eyed with a lost appetite.

“Have you been on twitter?” I asked setting the plate on the coffee table.

“No, why?” she asked biting into a piece of bacon.

“Don’t… people started tweeting me… and like none of them are nice…” I muttered, crossing my arms and leaning back against the cushion.

Kim nodded her head in understanding before she spoke, “Maybe we should delete our twitters, I imagine it’ll only get worse as more people find out. Honestly, I’d be surprised if there were people that didn’t know after last night…”

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