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Hey all you amaZAYN readers!! Here's the Epilogue... author's note is at the very bottom:) Remember to comment-vote-fan :) Happy reading!! By the way, the song to the right is "That's Where It Is" by Carrie Underwood (I may change the song later, I'm not sure haha)

"Fall head over heels. Find someone you can love like crazy and who will love you the same way back." 

*8 Years Later*

(Christy’s POV)

I sat on the sofa in mine and Louis’ flat. It was the same 2 bedroom flat that he had owned since we had first met. The only thing that had changed was the living room sofa, which was now gray with 3 dark mahogany pillows placed on it.

Tucking the soft, warm gray and black tiger stripe printed blanket tighter around me, I sighed and continued watching TV forcing away the feeling of being sick. A few minutes later I heard feet making their way to the living room before producing my 5 year old daughter, Melody.

“Mummy?” Melody asked walking up to her mother.

I smiled lovingly at the little girl and sat up, pushing the blanket away. “What is it sweetheart?”

“When are we going to go get daddy?” she asked getting up on the sofa beside me.

I looked up at the clock and then back down, “How about you go get your jacket and we’ll go right now?”

I watched as the little girls eyes lit up and she nodded her head happily. Melody hopped off the sofa and ran to her room before returning with her black pea coat.

“Can we go now mummy?!” she asked looking up at me with cerulean blue eyes, just like her fathers.

“Of course we can baby.” I said taking Melody’s hand and leading them out of the flat.

Opening the door to my Range Rover, I let Melody climb into the backseat before making sure she was buckled properly and then got into the driver’s seat.

I pulled out into the London traffic to begin our relatively short commute.

I pulled up to a red traffic light and stopped. Glancing in the rearview mirror I smiled as I watched Melody look out the window to the right. I always thought she was an image of her father. Her hair was the same color as Louis’, as were her eyes. Her nose was just as cute as his. Everyone else, though, insisted that Melody had my eyes and nose.

“Mummy, what’s that?” Melody asked pointing to a small graveyard where a group of people were gathered.

“That’s a cemetery sweetheart. It’s where people have their loved ones put when they’ve passed away.” I tried to explain without going into detail.

The light above turned green and I turned to the left.

A short while later, I pulled into Heathrow Airport and parked the car in the car park. I walked over to Melody’s door and opened it, allowing her to hop down. Taking her hand, we walked into the large airport where people were hurrying about trying to get to their flights on time.

Looking around I quickly decided I didn’t like Melody being down on the ground where someone in a hurry could easily trample her. Bending down, I picked my daughter up and kept walking through the swarm of people.

People began coming out with luggage and I scanned the crowd of people while Melody looked around, curious of all the people rushing around.

“Christy!” a voice called causing me to spin around and smile when I saw Kim hurrying towards me with her 4 year old son, Jason.

A Love That Feels Right (a Louis Tomlinson love story)Where stories live. Discover now