Chapter 1: A Chance Encounter

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Hey everybody, here's the first chapter of my Louis Tomlinson love story... I hope you all enjoy!! Remember to vote and comment! By the way... what's your favorite One Direction song??

Much Love, Brittany

**Christy’s POV**

I was power walking through the airport towards the terminal for the plane I was supposed to be catching. A girl was right behind me lugging her large suitcase and purse trying to get me to slow down.

“Come on, slow down we’ve got plenty of time!” she called falling back a few steps.

“No!” I replied with a laugh maintaining my quick pace.

Yup, that’s me, Christy Roush, twenty years old, dark brown hair, and sparkling blue eyes. And the girl following me, she’s my best friend, Kimberly Tinley, twenty years old, medium brown hair, and the same blue eyes. Both of us had wavy hair that fell to the middle of our backs but was currently straightened and tied in a loose ponytail.

I glanced behind me and saw she was keeping up but throwing humorous daggers at me. All I wanted to do was make it to our terminal so we would have enough time to buy drinks before boarding. Finally I saw our terminal number and sighed with relief, we still had 20 minutes to spare.

The people around us hurried around us as we slowed down. “Look for a good place to get something to drink.” I said to Kim as we paused in the walk way for a moment.

“Do you want to just go there?” Kim asked pointing over at a small store with drinks galore.

“Yeah that works!” I said taking hold of the handle on my own large suitcase again.

We walked into the store and purchased two bottles of water then made our way over to the seats near the tunnel to our plane. I looked down at my ticket and smiled. We were first class flying from New York to London, England. It had taken us almost a year to save enough money for this month long trip. I looked over at Kim and found her staring at her ticket as well.

“It’s crazy isn’t it?” I asked nudging her arm.

She looked up and smiled, “It’s totally crazy, we’re going out of the country!”

“Do you think we’ll meet any hot guys while we’re there?” I asked in my best British voice.

“I do believe so, its England after all!” Kim replied trying out a British accent herself.

We both burst into a fit of giggles as they announced that our flight was now boarding.

“Let’s go, it’s time to take on England!” I said grabbing my suitcase and purse.

Kim stood and grabbed her things then followed me to the gate. I smiled and handed the attendant my ticket then stepped into the tunnel pausing to wait for Kim. She stepped in a moment later and let out a puff of air, “Let’s do this!”

We walked into the plane and made our way to our seats. Kim stopped walking and glanced at her ticket, “Damn, I’m not by a window!” she growled under her breath.

“Oh chill, I only hope the person next to me doesn’t snore or anything!” I laughed seeing that I was in the middle seat while Kim was on the outside.

Both of us put our rolling luggage in the overhead compartment and then sat down with magazines. The plane filled up quickly, though not too many people were sitting in first class. I was looking through my magazine when I heard a man clear his throat.

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