Chapter 15: Kiss You

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Hey all you amazing readers!! Here's the new chapter.... there's a BIG moment in this one!!! Are you ready for it?!?!

Song: Last First Kiss by One Direction. I love this song so much, actually I love all their songs but I listen to this one a lot lol. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy the chapter, remember to vote-comment-fan (sorry I don't like the term 'follow' lol)

Much Love, Brittany xx

**Christy’s POV**

I stood in the kitchen making a cup of tea and listening to the conversation going on in the living room between Liam and Kim. Was I eavesdropping? Kind of, but not really, they knew I was in the kitchen. Things got really quiet for a little bit then Kim came running into the kitchen.

Taken by surprise by her sudden entrance I stumbled back into the counter as she tackled me.

“Shit Kim… be careful… you’re gonna kill me!” I exclaimed, inhaling deeply after finally being released from her insanely tight hug.

“Oh my gosh!! He asked me to be his girlfriend!” Kim said bursting with excitement.

I squealed with delight, pulling my best friend into a tight hug as we jumped up and down. “I’m so happy for you KimmyBear!”

A throat cleared on the other side of the kitchen and we immediately stopped jumping and turned, still hugging, so we could both see who was interrupting our freak out time. Liam stood by the kitchen entrance with a rather amused look on his face.

“I don’t mean to interrupt, but I was wondering if you girls would accompany us to see fireworks tomorrow night at the London Eye.” Liam asked smiling softly at Kim who was now releasing me and walking over to stand next to him.

“We’d love to!” she answered slipping her arm around his waist and leaning her head against his shoulder.

“Absolutely, I can’t pass up seeing fireworks especially when it’s for bringing in the New Year!” I said happily as I removed the tea bag from my cup and tossing it in the trash before taking a sip of the hot drink.

“Great, I’ll let the lads know! Would you still like to hang out today, Kim?” Liam asked looking down at Kim sweetly.

I swallowed hard and mentally demanded the tears I felt pooling in my eyes go away. “Awe, you guys are so cute…”

Kim blushed before looking back up at Liam, “Of course, just let me grab my jacket!”

She disappeared to her bedroom and I turned back to Liam who was still smiling and looking like that happiest person in the word.

“I’m so glad you guys are together, seriously, but if you hurt her… you deal with me.” I said giving him a stern look while my voice carried a hint of laughter.

Liam looked at me seriously, “Don’t worry Christy; I have absolutely no intentions of hurting her… this love is only getting stronger. She’s so perfect… everything she does makes me love her more.”

“Oh my gosh, that is the sweetest thing ever! I’m so happy for you guys, I can’t wait to find that kind of love!” I replied feeling a little jealous that my best friend now had the guy of her dreams and he was completely in love with her.

“I’m sure you will find yours very soon.” Liam said giving me a look that said he knew something I didn’t.

I brushed it off and laughed, “Yeah… right… because it’s worked out so well in the past.”

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