Chapter 6: Screeching Breaks & Forgiveness

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Hey lovelies!!! This chapter has a scene that can get you on the edge of your seat!! Trust me :) I hope you guys enjoy it, remember to vote and comment please :) All of you guys reading this story mean the world to me!! Thank you so much for reading it thus far!!

Much Love, Brittany x

**Louis’ POV**

I woke up this morning and stretched underneath my covers. It was Friday, the day of the concert and the day I would apologize to Christy. Slipping out of bed I shivered as the chilly air met my skin. Hurrying into the bathroom I showered, taking my time, and then got dressed for the day. Our concert wasn’t until 7pm so I decided to make a quick run to Starbucks and pick up a few things from the store since my fridge was getting a little empty.

I slipped on a pair of black jeans, a navy blue shirt, and a pair of gray TOMS before putting on my leather jacket and heading out the door with a beanie on my head. Walking down the street nearing Christy’s hotel I saw a girl walking towards me carrying two coffees. I recognized her instantly, it was Christy. Her brown hair hung straight and was slightly tucked behind her ear on the right side. She was just as stunning now as she had been two weeks ago when we first met. Only now her eyes didn’t carry any sparkle… instead they were dull and sad.

As we got closer to each other she suddenly looked in my direction and stopped walking. I offered her a small wave which she didn’t return. Instead she continued to stare with a small frown forming on her pretty face.

“Hey.” I said stopping in front of her.

“Hi.” Christy responded in an emotionally worn voice.

“I – um – I heard you might be leaving early.” I stumbled over a few of my words shuffling my feet nervously on the ground.

“Yeah probably, I guess I expected more from – um – yeah…” Christy responded purposely cutting off at my name.

I nodded my head slowly, “I guess I didn’t help matters… I’ve been disappointing a lot of people lately… I didn’t mean to upset anybody… everybody makes mistakes, we’re just humans, but I can’t believe the stupid mistakes I’ve made lately…” I said glancing down at the ground.

Christy shifted in the light snow covering the sidewalk before speaking, “Yeah, um, well I should probably get this coffee up to Kim while it’s still hot. Bye.” She said walking carefully around me so as not to slip.

I watched with longing eyes as she disappeared into the hotel. Oh how I wished I could see her pretty smile again like on the plane. Sighing, I forced myself to continue walking but my thoughts remained on Christy.

**Christy’s POV**

I walked into our room and handed Kim her coffee before sitting down on the floor and leaning against the sofa. “I saw Louis just a minute ago…” I stated glancing at her out of the corner of my eye.

“Really? Did you talk to him?” Kim asked setting her cup down.

“Yeah, very briefly… something he said kind of made me think… he said everyone makes mistakes, we’re just human, but he couldn’t believe the stupid mistakes he had made lately. Maybe I should just give him a second chance… even though I don’t want to get hurt… I guess I shouldn’t live in a bubble the rest of my life because of one douche and a mistake from someone I met 2 weeks ago.”

“Sounds right, you’ve always been the smart on Chriss, I know Louis has been upset about what happened, Liam told me yesterday.” Kim said sliding off the sofa and onto the floor next to me.

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