Chapter 7: Who Is The Mystery Girl?

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Hello Loves!! Here is chapter 7!! I just wanted to take a second and thank every single person that has been reading this story... it means a lot to me and I hope you all continue reading it!! :) Remember to comment, vote, and fan :)

Much Love, Brittany x

**Christy’s POV**

Kim and I stayed in the room until it the boys were released then we grabbed our things and left the hospital. Once we got to the hotel I hopped out followed by Liam, Kim, and Louis. I gave them curious looks then waved goodbye to Harry, Zayn, and Niall.

“Why are you two here?” I asked quirking my eyebrow at Liam.

“I just wanted to spend some time with Kim.” Liam said pulling a smiling and blushing Kim to his side before turning and walking up towards our room.

I watched them for a moment and then turned to Louis, “And you?”

“I just wanted to talk to you.” He replied putting one hand in his pocket and holding the hurt one that was wrapped in a simple bandage up near his stomach to keep anything from accidently touching it.

“Oh okay, well do you want to go sit in the little coffee shop across the road?” I asked doing my best not to show I was a little nervous.

“Sure, that would be nice.” Louis answered motioning for me to exit first.

**Louis’ POV**

I held open the door for Christy as we went into the small coffee shop. We ordered our drinks and then took them over to a table in the corner away from the ordering station.

“Look Christy, I know you said you already forgave me but I have to say this. I really messed up by bailing on you guys and then taking Eleanor back despite what she said to you, but I wanted you to know that I’m really, really sorry… I never meant to hurt you…” I said in a quiet voice after taking a sip out of my cup.

Christy smiled at me, her blue eyes were regaining their sparkle and I felt my heart beat a little faster. “It’s okay, like you said, I already forgave you.”

“So you’re not still going to leave early, are you?” I asked hoping the answer would be no.

“I don’t think so, as long as I don’t have any more run-ins with Jack alone, I suppose I could stay here for a while longer.” Christy answered dragging out some of the words in a playful ‘if I have to’ voice.

We sat and talked for a while longer before tossing our cups in the trash and walking back across the street. On the way over we began asking each other random questions, everything from favorite colors to favorite songs/bands. I walked Christy to her door where we stood a moment longer now discussing the concert for next week.

“Hopefully Harry will be able to perform by then, the doctor said his ankle wasn’t too bad, so I guess we’ll see.” I stated leaning up again the wall.

“Yeah, Kim and I are planning on going next week so Harry definitely needs to hurry and get better!” Christy said as she too leaned against the wall.

“This is nice.” I commented gesturing between us. “Talking again… and hearing you laugh.” I added keeping my voice from shaking from my nerves.

“It is…” Christy gave me a genuine smile while reaching over and lightly ruffling my hair.

“I should get back to my flat; it’s been a long day.” I said standing up straight. “But I can’t leave without a hug?” I smiled holding open my arms to her.

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