Chapter 5: The Break-Up & The Ex-Boyfriend

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Hey everyone!! Here's chapter 5!! Remember to Vote & Comment!! I hope everyone enjoys reading, please recommend to other Directioners :) Picture is of what Jack (Christy's Ex-Boyfriend) looks like :)

Much Love, Brittany x

**Louis’ POV**

Three days later I was sitting on my sofa scrolling through my twitter reading some of the tweets from fans. Every so often I would click on a picture someone had posted of us and laugh when it had a funny caption. I came across a tweet that said “Eleanor and her new boyfriend!” frowning I clicked on the picture and gapped at it.

She was in the same outfit as the other day when we had run into Christy and the others. In fact, the date was at the bottom of the picture and it was that very night! She was cheating on me! I stared at the picture of her in a lip lock with some tall tan guy with black hair. I definitely didn’t know him.

I set my laptop down as someone knocked on my door and walked over to open it to Niall and Zayn. I motioned for them to come in with a tight smile and then sat back down on the couch. “If you’re here to tell me she’s cheating on me, I already know.”

“Oh you already saw that picture aye?” Zayn asked sitting down in a chair to the left of the sofa while Niall took the other end of the sofa.

“I’m breaking up with her.” I said crossing my arms and staring blankly at the wall.

“Well, hopefully this time you stick to that.” Niall muttered under his breath.

“Yeah. I’m sorry about the other day and bailing on you guys and the girls.” I stated before realizing Liam and Harry weren’t here and normally they would all show up at the same time since we lived in the same building. “Where are Liam and Harry?”

“Hanging out with Kim and Christy for the day, they asked if we wanted to come but we had already decided to come here.” Zayn replied standing up and walking to the kitchen to get a drink.

I felt jealousy build up inside of me… Harry was hanging out with Christy. “I’m going to talk to Eleanor real quick; you lads can stay here if you want. I’ll be back soon.” I said walking out the door before they had a chance to reply.

Walking down to one of the lower levels of the building I stopped in front of her door and knocked. Shortly after she opened the door looking a bit frazzled.

“Oh, Louis, hey, what are you doing here?” she asked gesturing for me to come in which I simply shook my head no declining the offer.

“I needed to talk to you for a moment.” I said sticking one hand in my pocket and rubbing the back of my neck with the other. “Look, about the other day when I broke up with you, that’s what I really wanted, I don’t want to be with you anymore.”

Her face fell but this time I could tell it was all an act. “But Louis…”

I held up a hand to cut her off, “Don’t. We’re done, it’s not working out. I don’t love you anymore and besides I don’t want to be with someone who thinks its okay to see other guys behind my back.”

Eleanor paled before trying to say it wasn’t true, “Louis I would never cheat on you, I love you boo!”

I laughed and pointed to the guy walking through her living area. It was the same tall tan dark haired guy from the picture. “Looks to me like you would, he’s definitely a person and he’s definitely not me.”

Eleanor whipped around giving the guy an icy glare, “I told you to stay in the bedroom!” she shrieked as he backed away from the door realizing he had just confirmed what I had just said.

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