Chapter 19: A Pleasure To Meet You

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Hey everybody!!! So there's probably only going to be one more chapter after this one and then the epilogue! I'll be starting another story soon but until then check out my Harry Styles FanFic, Because You Live :) There's over 26,000 reads on this story and I can't even believe it, thank you to everyone that is reading!! :) Comment-Vote-Fan!!

Much Love, Brittany xx

**Christy’s POV**

I could hear beeping. It was slow and steady. Wherever I was, was very quiet otherwise. My eyes felt like they were glued shut but I fought to open them, needing to know where I was. As soon as I managed to open them I snapped them shut from the bright light of the room.

It was white. I saw that much. It definitely wasn’t my flat. Opening my eyes just enough to see I looked around the room slowly. My eyes landed on a figure curled up in a chair with a white blanket. I opened my mouth to speak but instead groaned causing the person to suddenly open their eyes and then spring out of the chair. I hadn’t been able to tell who it was, since their face had been almost covered by the blanket but now I knew exactly who it was. Louis.

“Christy! You’re awake!” He said hurrying up to the bed. Reaching over he pressed a small red button that was on a cord wrapped around a rail near the top left of the bed.

“Yeah… why am I in the hospital?” I asked trying to sort the details in my head.

I knew something had happened judging by the bruise on Louis neck, but I couldn’t remember everything.

“Jack and Eleanor happened. We were going to eat with Liam and Kim, Eleanor had grabbed you and Jack had me pinned against a wall until you punched him. Then Eleanor had taken a hold of you… Jack hit you really hard and you passed out.” Louis explained as he sat on the edge of the bed just as the nurse walked through the door.

“Ah! You’re awake, fantastic!” the nurse said happily as she walked forward and motioned for Louis to move. “Tell me dear, how are you feeling?”

“I’m feeling fine, my jaw is sore, but otherwise I’m good.” I answered pushing myself up into a sitting position.

“Well then, I’ll go put in for your release and you should be out of here within the hour! You can go ahead and get ready to leave.” She smiled brightly at me and then hurried out of the room.

“Hey Lou?” I said looking over at him.

“Yeah Love?” he answered walking over.

“What happened to Jack and Eleanor?” I asked giving into my curiosity.

“Police came and took them; I assume they have them in a holding cell right now. Kim and Liam already spoke to the police about everything, but they still want to talk to you.” Louis said pulling a bag up from the floor and setting it on the bed.

“Can we go do that once I’m release and just get it done with?” I asked pulling the bag closer.

“Sure, I’ll step outside so you can get changed.” Louis said leaning forward and pressing a kiss to my forehead before walking out of the room.

Sighing I got up slowly and changed into my normal clothes. Walking over to the door I opened it and motioned for Louis to come back in. For the next 45 minutes we sat and talked while we waited for the nurse to come back in to say I could leave.

Once I was finally released, I picked up my purse and cell phone then walked out of the room with Louis beside me. As we neared the exit we could see paparazzi waiting outside, sitting near the entrance. Simon had sent a car to get Louis and me along with a security guard knowing this would happen.

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