Waking Up

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Emma's POV

I stir as I feel my limbs become unpetrified. I test my arms, hands, feet and legs. Before opening my eyes. But close them straight away as I'm blinded by light. "Miss Vane, are you awake?" Madame Pomfrey asks me. I hear a whine.

"Coal" I say and I feel him jump onto the bed. He rests his head on my chest and I hug him crying. He's alright, we're both alive.

"Miss Vane, I know you've been through a lot but I need to examine your eyes" Madame Pomfrey tells me. I shake my head burying my face into Coal's neck.

"Emma" Hermione says.

"Hermione!" I say happily sitting up. "You're ok" I say eyes still closed.

"We all are" she tells me smiling. "Harry and Ron solved it, they killed the basilisk and destroyed the diary that was possessing Ginny. All of us who were petrified are now awake" she explains. I frown in confusion.

"How am I alive?" I ask confused. Eyes still closed. "Tom said he'd have the basilisk look directly into my eyes. That kills people" I state.

"You are blind dear, had you not been. You'd probably be dead now" Madame Pomfrey tells me. "Now I have to examine your eyes, make sure there's no damage to them" she states.

"Ok" I say and I feel her turn my face towards her. I open my eyes and close them again due to a bright light. "It's to bright" I whine.

"You can see light?" they ask me.

"I don't know, every time I open my eyes. I'm blinded by light" I state.

"Miss Granger shut all the curtains" Madame Pomfrey instructs. I hear curtains closing. "Ok Miss Vane, try to open your eyes slowly" she tells me. I do so and blink a few times. At first everything was blurry. Then I hear Coal whine and focus on him.

"Coal" I say patting his arm and his tail wags. "I can see you boy!" I cry and hug him.

"Miss Vane, I need to examine your eyes" Madame Pomfrey tells me. I ignore her and look at Hermione.

"You're hair is very bushy" I tell her.

"So is yours" she tells me with a smile.

"Miss Vane" Madame Pomfrey says. I look at her "May I examine your eyes now?" she asks me. I nod my heads and she does so. Has me look at the eye chart. "Your vision isn't what it was, but it's defiantly back" she states.

"How is that possible?" Hermione asks her.

"I believe when the basilisk looked into her eyes. It burned away what was blinding her. Like it burned through the film in Mr Creevey's camera" she states. "But your vision will have to be monitored. I don't see any signs of you going blind again. But best we keep an eye on it" she tells me. "You seem to be in perfect health" she declares.

"Well I still be allowed to bring Coal to school?" I ask her.

"I would think so, he's been here for two years with no problems" she states. "I shall send a letter home to your mum" she tells me. "You both may go to the feast" she tells us. We thank her and I put shoes on. But had Hermione show me how to do my leases.

"Lets surprise the others" I tell Hermione. "I'll pretend to be blind" I state.

"Sure" she says smiling. I put Coal's harness on and grab it. We left the hospital wing and I looked around the halls in awe. "I'm so happy for you Emma" she tells me.

"I just can't believe it" I tell her. "I thought I'd never see again and now I can do anything" I state. We reach the great hall.

"Harry, it's Hermione and Emma" I hear Neville says. Ron and Harry look our way. Hermione and I look at each other smiling. I let go of Coal's harness and take off running towards our friends as they stand up to greet us.

"Becareful Emma" Harry says concerned. But I ignore him and fling my arms around him holding him tight. Hermione joins our hug. We pull away and she shakes Ron's hand.

"Welcome back Hermione, Emma" Ron says.

"It's great to be back" Hermione tells them. "Congrats I can't believe you solved it" she says smiling broadly.

"Thank you so much for coming to my rescue" I tell them smiling. I look up at the ceiling and smile at the clear starry sky. "It's a beautiful night" I state.

"Yeah it is" Harry says looking up. He then looks at me shocked. "You can see?!" he exclaims.

"Sure can, your hair is really messy" I tell him and he hugs me.

"This is great, I'm so happy for you" he tells me.

"At least one good thing came out of that snake before it died" I tell him. "Anyway I'm starving" I tell them and we sit down. Coal lays down under the table. I served my own food and cut it myself. It felt amazing, I felt so free. Everyone came up to congratulate me on my vision returning. A note even landed in front of me. It was from Draco, asking to meet later. I looked at his table and locked eyes with him nodding. Before going back to my food.

Just then the doors to the great hall opened. I turn to see a giant man. "That's Hagrid" Hermione tells me and I nod my head.

"Sorry I'm late. The owl deliverin' my release papers got all lost 'n confused. Some ruddy bird named Errol" Hagrid states as he walks up the aisle. He stops in front of us. "I jus' want to say... that if it wasn't fer' you, Harry... you an' Ron, Hermione and Emma of course. Well, I jus' want to say... Thanks" he stutters.

"There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid" Harry tells him and they hug. As we all cheer. Afterwards Hagrid sat at the staff table and Gryffindor was announced the winners of the house cup for the second year in a row. When the feast ended I go to head outside.

"Where are you going Emma?" Ron asks me.

"The lake, I want to see it" I tell him.

"Wouldn't it be better during the day?" he asks.

"Oh let her go, she just got her sight back" Harry tells him.

"Be sure to be back before curfew" Hermione tells me. I nod my head and they left me. I went outside to the lake and sat under a tree admiring the scenery.


Picture above of Coal and picture on the external link of the hospital wing.

Emma Melody Vane: Harry Potter FanficWhere stories live. Discover now