Neville and Note

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Emma's POV

"Fay said you and the others ran into the castle looking worried earlier. Is everything ok?" I ask Hermione as we stand in the bathroom.

"Yes, everything is fine" she lies.

"Hermione, please don't lie to me" I tell her. "Is it to do with the stone?" I ask her.

"Yes, Hagrid let slip how to get past Fluffy to the person who gave him Norbert's egg. But we've told McGonagall, so everything should be fine now" she states.

"Thank you, good night" I say and Coal guides me to the door. "Common room" I tell him and leads me down there.

"Emma, hey" Neville says scaring me a little. "Sorry" he says sheepishly.

"It's fine, why are you still up?" I ask him confused as I sit down on an armchair.

"Can't sleep, you?" he asks me curious.

"I have a lot on my mind, but I have a hunch Hermione, Harry and Ron are up to something" I tell him. "I'm gonna stay down here to see if I'm right" I state.

"Need some company?" he asks me.

"Sure" I tell him and I send Coal upstairs to pretend to be me. That way Hermione won't suspect anything until I catch her. Neville and I sit in silence waiting.

(Time skip)

It's been an hour and I finally hear people coming downstairs. I place a finger to my lips telling Neville to be quiet. He stops humming. "We'd better put the cloak on here, and make sure it covers all three of us" Harry says.

"What are you doing?" Neville asks them.

"Very fair question" I say as I stand up. I feel Coal brush up against my side and smile. "Good boy" I say patting his head.

"Nothing is going on" Harry tells us.

"You're going out again" Neville states.

"No, we're not. Why don't you both go to bed Emma, Neville?" Hermione suggests.

"You can't go out, you'll get caught again" Neville tells them.

"And Gryffindor will be in trouble again" I add.

"You don't understand, this is important" Harry tells us.

"Oh I know it is" I tell him. "And you weren't going to let me come" I state pouting.

"I won't let you do it, I'll fight you" Neville tells them.

"Neville. I'm really, really sorry about this" Hermione tells him. "Petrificus Totalus!" she says and I hear a thud. I draw my wand and feel Coal stand in front of me.

"Going to bind me also?" I ask Hermione.

"No, I have a job for you" she tells me.

"Hermione, it's to dangerous for her to come" Harry tells her.

"I agree with Harry" Ron adds.

"I'm blind not deaf" I tell them annoyed. "What job?" I ask Hermione.

"We're going to protect the stone, but can you go to the owlery and send a note to Dumbledore? He's at the ministry" she tells me.

"You're not going to let me go with you, are you?" I ask her.

"It's to dangerous" she states.

"Fine, I'll be your messenger" I grumble and feel her give me a note.

"Give us five minutes and then go to the owlery" she tells me.

"Sure, good luck and be careful all of you" I tell them.

"We will" they assure me before leaving. I sigh and find Neville's paralyzed body. I point my wand at him.

"Wingardium Leviosa" I say and levitate him. "Couch" I tell Coal and he leads me to it. I levitate Neville over and lower him onto it. The best I could. "Sorry it had to be this way Neville, but when I get back I'll left the spell" I assure him. "Coal, owlery" I say and grab his harness.

He leads me out of the common room and down stairs. Then through hallways and up another set of stairs. We reach the owlery undetected and I call Hedwig holding my arm out. I feel an owl land on my arm. "Hi girl, I need you to take this to the ministry. It's for Professor Dumbledore" I tell her. Holding up the note and feel her take it in her beak. "Go, fly fast" I tell her and she launches herself off of my arm.

"Lets go back to the common room boy" I say as I grab his harness. He leads me down the stairs and we start to make our way through the hallways.

"What are you doing out of bed at this hour?" Snape asks from behind me. Scaring me.

"I couldn't sleep and though a walk would help. Besides Coal had to go" I tell him.

"Never the less you are breaking curfew, ten points from Gryffindor" he tells me. "Now I shall escort you Gryffindor tower" he states. I nod my head and continue walking to Gryffindor tower. With Coal and Snape at my side.

But if Snape is here, who's after the stone? Who are the others facing? Should I tell him the truth? I have to, the others could be in more danger then we though. "Professor I lied, I was sending a message to Dumbledore. Harry and the other two went to the third floor to protect the Philosopher's stone. We thought you were after it tonight with Dumbledore away. But you're here, I think they're in trouble" I tell him.

"Thank you for telling me the truth, get back your common room. I shall get McGonagall and we'll deal with this. They will be ok" he tells me. I nod my head and hear him walk away.

"Common room boy" I tell Coal and he walks me there. He leads me over to Neville and I release the body bind curse on him. "The others will be back soon, I told a teacher. So just go to bed" I tell him. Then go upstairs to my dorm room and call it a night. Praying the other three are alright. That Snape and McGonagall reach them in time. That Dumbledore got the note and it on his way.


Picture above of Neville frozen.

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