First Hogwarts Christmas

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Emma's POV

It's the week before Christmas and the holidays have started. We still have not figured out who Nicolas Flamel is. Anyway most of the students are returning home today for the holidays. I was going to as well. But mum and Romilda have gone to visit some family friends in Ireland. Who I do not wish to see as they treat me like a fragile piece of glass since I became blind. So I decided to stay at Hogwarts with Harry and Ron. Besides one of our family friends is allergic to dogs.

Anyway Harry, Ron and I are in the great hall. Ron is teaching Harry how to play wizards chess. As I brush Coal, wanting him to look his best for the holidays. "Knight to E-5" Harry says and I hear a chess piece move.

"Queen to E-5" Ron says and I hear one of the pieces break. Ron's queen had obviously knocked over Harry's knight. I remember when I used to play with my father before he died. He taught me how to play.

"That's totally barbaric!" Hermione shouts and I cover my ears.

"A little warning would be nice" I grumble glaring in her direction.

"Sorry Em" she says sheepishly.

"That's wizards chess" Ron tells her. "I see you've packed" he says. As I go back to brushing Coal.

"See you haven't" Hermione says.

"Change of plans. My parents decided to go to Romania to visit my brother, Charlie. He's studying dragons there" Ron explains.

"My mother and sister are going to Ireland" I add shrugging.

"Good, you both can help Harry, then. He's going to go the library for information on Nicholas Flamel" Hermione tells us and I groan.

"We've looked a hundred times" Ron whines.

"Not in the restricted section...Happy Christmas" Hermione tells us.

"Have a lovely Christmas Hermione" I say smiling and she gives me a hug. Before leaving us.

"I think we've had a bad influence on her" Ron tells Harry.

"I think you both just brought us out of our shells" I tell them. "Anyway, enjoy your game. Coal and I are going to say good bye to Fay" I state. I put Coal's harness on and grab the handle. He leads me to the entrance hall.

"There you are Emma" Fay says happily. "Let me guess, you're staying for the holidays" she says.

"Yes, but I hope you have a nice Christmas" I tell her.

"I will and same to you" she says and gives me a hug. "Look after her Coal" she adds and he yips. She giggles before leaving with the other students returning home for the holidays.

(Christmas Morning)

I woke up to Coal trying make me sit up. "No, to early" I whine as I roll over burying my head into my pillow. He licks my cheek and barks. I remain still and he whines pushing his way under me. Before sitting up. "Fine I'm up" I grumble and yawn rubbing my eyes. He yips happily. "Why are you so excited boy?" I ask him confused.

I get changed and put his harness on before going downstairs where I hear people talking. "I know what that is, that's an invisibility cloak!" Ron exclaims.

"I'm invisible?" Harry asks in awe.

"You're always invisible to me" I tell them. I hear them jump and giggle.

"Now know how you feel when we do that" Ron grumbles.

"Merry Christmas Emma" Harry says.

"Oh no wonder you were excited" I say to Coal and he yips happily. "Merry Christmas Harry and Ron" I add smiling.

"Merry Christmas, looks like my mum sent you a sweater" Ron tells me.

"Here is yours and Coal's pail" Harry says guiding me to a chair. I sit down and find the presents on the table in front of me. I pick up a light present.

"That'll be the sweater from my mother" Ron tells me. I nod my head and unwrap the gift. "Cool, she made one for Coal too" he states.

"What colour are they?" I ask them.

"Yours is dark blue with a golden E and Coal's is a pale blue" Harry tells me. I put mine on and smile at how warm it is. I remove Coal's harness and put his on slowly. I then put his harness back on. I open my other gifts. I got a new hair brush from Romilda, a book from Hermione, a new cloak from mum, some sweets from Fay and a wooden carving of a dog from Hagrid.

"Merry Christmas!" a pair of voices say and I cover my ears glaring in the direction of the voices.

"Opps, sorry Em" George says sheepishly.

"Hey, look! Emma, Coal and Harrygot a Weasley sweater, too" Fred states.

"Yes, can you please thank your mother for me?" I ask them.

"Of course" George says. The twins make Ron wear his. I soon hear someone else enter the room.

"What's all this noise?" Percy asks.

"P for prefect! Get it on, Percy, come on, we're all wearing ours. Even Em, Coal and Harry got one each" George tells him. I hear a struggle.

"What happened?" I ask confused.

"Fred just helped Percy get his sweater on" George tells me. "And you're not sitting with the prefects today, either. Christmas is a time for family" he tells Percy. We all go down to the great hall for breakfast. When we arrive the smell was amazing. I pull a Christmas cracker with George and there was a bang.

"Who won?" I ask him.

"I did, but it'll look better on you" he states and I feel him place something on my head. "There now your the Christmas princess" he tells me and I blush. We have our breakfast and then the others decided they wanted to have a snowball fight outside. I went with even though I didn't participate. However, I did play fetch with Coal.

Later we returned to the Gryffindor Common Rooms cold, wet, and gasping for breath. We sat by the fire and warmed ourselves up. While Harry and Ron played wizards chess with Harry's new chess set. We then had turkey sandwiches for lunch in the great hall.

I then returned to the common room and started to read the book Hermione had given me. It was braille version of Muggle fairy tales. While Coal had his Christmas bone from mum. Until is was dinner time. We joined the others for the Christmas Feast in the great hall before having an early night.


Picture above of Coal's knitted sweater and on the external link of Emma's.

Emma Melody Vane: Harry Potter FanficWhere stories live. Discover now