The Gun and The Saber

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"I need my rifle," Din says as the sounds of blaster fire continues.

"Oh! So you're getting involved now?" She replied sarcastically.

"Do you really think I'm that cruel? Can't allow this happen, especially after everything you all have done for me."

"Well that's quite honorable of you. But are you sure you're up for a fight?" Her response still sounding sarcastic.

"I am Mandalorian! I'm always up for a fight."

"Oh yes, indeed you are," Nia says with a smile as she sits down on the ground with her legs crossed and closes her eyes. "I'll be right there with you in a moment."

"What the hell are you doing?" He blurts out frantically.

"Don't worry. You'll see. Now go," she replied as she takes a deep breath. "No time to waste."

Din didn't stay to argue with her any longer, he punches a few buttons on his vambrace to ignite his jet pack. In only a couple of seconds, he's being lifted up in the air above the fungal forest.


Blaster fire continues to erupt in the distance. Concentrate! She tells herself as she focuses her mind on the Force. Felucia is famous for it's large beasts, and she can sense several in this area. At least two Acklay are nearby, one is probably a male and the other it's female mate. They are tall green and predatory crustaceans with six legs, sharp claws and teeth, with thick rough skin.

She can also sense other large animals in her mind's range. Jungle Rancors! They are semi-sentient creatures and are actually quite intelligent in spite of their ferocious nature. They are carnivorous reptomammals with blue skin, sharp claws and teeth, with extremely dense leathery hides. Nia can sense two females nearby, probably siblings. They are the largest land beasts on Felucia.

She opens up her mind even more, she can sense all four of the creatures' mental capabilities, including their thoughts and feelings. The two non-sentient Arklays are already under her control, but the two intelligent Rancors still need a little more convincing.

"Help Us," Nia telepathically says.

"This Land Ours," one of them replies telepathically.

"Land Yours. Help Kill Strangers."

"Strangers Attack Us. We Help You." The second one responds.

At long last, Nia has all of them under her control. She opens her eyes to find that she is surrounded by two Arklays and two Jungle Rancors, waiting for her next command. Nia stands up and heads off towards the town, with her new companions following her.


He wasn't going to get into another dispute with her at that moment, and he's not sure what she has in mind. He knew she was concentrating on something right before he took off, probably on that Force-thing or whatever it is that she does. Either way, she better hurry because several buildings are already on fire and he can see the AT-AT rapidly approaching in the distance. Soon, this entire village will be overrun with raiders.

His landing could use a bit more practice, once his feet touched the cobblestone street in front of the mechanic's shop, his bad leg gave out and he winched in pain. Luckily the stabbing ache in his leg soon vanished and he was able to continue heading inside the repair shop. In the rear of the structure, he uses the keycard Viv gave him to unlock the storage unit. Once inside, he grabs his disruptor sniper rifle that is leaning against the wall, it was a gift from his friend Boba Fett after his first one got destroyed. He swings the rifle over his shoulder and loads up on more charges and detonators before locking up the unit door and heading out. Once outside in the street, two men walk up to him with rifles pointing at his head.

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