It had started raining again that evening. The town is quiet as everyone retired into their homes for the night. Fireplaces were lit as most of the damaged buildings have been restored back to normal. Once the majority of her patients had been taken cared of, Nia was finally able to take the night off. Of course Maya is already suspicious of the two of them. She kept questioning Nia over and over again throughout the day, but it's really nobody's business. They are both adults who enjoy each other's company, it was that simple in her mind.
Tonight, her home is grey and darkened from lack of sunlight, the fireplace crackling and glowing red with warmth as she prepares a pot of tea. Thunder is booming outside as the sounds of rain strikes the windowsill above her kitchen sink. She sits at her dinner table, rests her head down onto her crossed arms and before she knew it....she has fallen asleep.
"Nia, my padawan. Go to Mos Eisley on Tatooine. A child needs your help. You must protect the girl. She is in great danger. You will know who she is once you find her. May the Force be with you, always."
Nia is startled awake by the whistling of her tea pot. As she goes to remove the pot from its heated element, her master's voice still echoing in her head and it felt so real. It's been several years since she last had a vision from her master through the Force. Last time her master warned her of a village that had been devastated by an experimental virus, created by the Empire as a biological weapon. It would have wiped out the entire population of the town if she hadn't intervened. Whoever this child is, Nia knows the girl must be strong with the Force. An untrained, and possibly abandoned, Force-sensitive child is of great value to the Imperial remnants, as well as crime lords or other lawless offenders working in underground illegal trades.
Thinking of Din and knowing he finds her attractive, and the reason why he gravitates towards her, makes her feel incredibly weak and hot. She had spent countless minutes inspecting his body while caring for his injuries. She has constructed an image of him in her mind, how the silent yet hot-tempered little boy she once knew from years ago, became the mysterious and merciless bounty hunter in beskar she knows today.
As she pours a cup of hot tea, a soft knock at the door has her skin crawl. She knows who it is, but for some reason she's feeling quite nervous to answer the door. She's only wearing a thin white robe, an open request that doesn't require the use of words. She takes a deep breath then opens the door. Standing in the doorway she sees the Mandalorian, armor dripping and soaked from the rain. His body is rigid as his chest heaves as he breathes.
It's late in the evening as he helps Viv and Relsabi finish up the final repairs on his ship. The last piece of equipment will be installed tomorrow and he'll finally be able to leave this planet. He's very grateful that it's almost done, but also a little down because now he may have to part from Nia. He knew this day would come. A portion of him wishes to bring her along, and pay her for her healing skills. He knows she probably wouldn't agree to it, but he has hope that she may say yes. The moment he saw her eyes roll back and hearing her moan his real name, he knew he was obsessed.
Other than Grogu, she is the second person to see through his beskar. Her invitation was open and obvious, but as much as he tried to say no, he couldn't deny her. Seeing her so obedient and eager, willing to satisfy him is what gets him the most. A woman as powerful and dedicated as she is, agreeing to be so close or intimate with a man like him, a killer and a hunter, has enthralled him more than anything he has ever experienced in his life. He approaches her home, hands trembling as he goes to knock on the door.
When she does open the door, his heart skipped a beat, his breathing picked up and his hands clenched into tight fists. This woman is going to kill him! Her white robe is almost see-through. He could see the contours of her hips, her shoulders, and her breasts. He barely has the consciousness of thought to speak, luckily she's the first to make a move.

Under the Beskar
FanfictionThis story begins in 12 ABY - 3 years after Din Djarin, the Mandalorian, gives up his foundling to the Jedi for training and acquiring the Darksaber, he returns to his bounty hunting job. He follows a lead to the Outer Rim where he crash lands on a...