Two Lives, One Destiny

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The second she disappeared into the back door of the hanger, he instantly felt empty. He is entirely grateful that Nia paid for his fuel, just another reason why he likes her. He resists the urge to run after her, but he quickly retires back into his ship and brings up the ramp. He didn't want to be a savior. Last time he did, it ended up in heartache and grief, along with the slaughtering of his covert! He is a ruthless killer and a merciless hunter! Being alone is best. Attachments are dangerous and stupid, he keeps telling himself over and over.

In the meantime, Nevarro is only a few days away. If he's lucky, Karga will have a new high-yield bounty for him. However, he has to make up an excuse for not turning Nia in. He goes to punch in the coordinates when he sees the blinking green light on the control panel, indicating a new holomessage. Of course she left him something! She must've done this while he was in the bathroom. He clicks the button and her beautiful image appears in front him.

"Hello cabuor (protector). Thank you for flying me and helping to get rid of those raiders. I know you asked me to come with you. I probably would have if I never had that vision, which are usually correct. I can never ask you to join me or to rearrange your life for me, but I could really use your help. I know you want to return to bounty hunting. However, if you change your mind, I'll be at the Spaceport Hotel. You may be a dangerous man, but you are not cruel. I know you will do the right thing."

As her image disappears from sight, thoughts and memories are rushing through Din's mind.

"Dank ferrik! What the hell am I doing?! I can't leave! Once again, another innocent child needs help. She's right, like always!" He says to himself as he punches in a few buttons on the control panel. Then Karga's face is displayed on the holoprojector.

"Mando! It looks like you're back on your ship again!"

"Yes, Karga. I'm on Tatooine. Something came up. I may have to be here awhile."

"Speaking of Tatooine, I have news for you. The new marshal here has just informed me that our old friend escaped custody, Moff Gideon. Apparently he's after a new child, a young girl there on Tatooine. The New Republic is offering a large bounty for either his capture or his assassination, proof of termination will be required of course. The reward is 50,000 credits. I'm offering this to you, since I know you have a history with him and you are my best hunter. What do you say?"

"I'm in."

"Excellent! I'll inform the marshal. By the way, whatever happened with that other bounty?"

"Uh, well...she was killed by someone else. I was too late."

"Oh, is that so? Well it doesn't matter anymore. This is more urgent! The New Republic will forgive all crimes after the completion of this mission, for you and me. I'll look forward to hearing back from you. Good luck out there!" Karga says as his image disappears.

"Damn it! Here I go again!" He says softly to himself as he stands up and heads down the ladder. He stomps over to his weapons cabinet and arms himself with his ambian-pulse sniper rifle before lowering the ramp, then storms out into the hot and sandy climate of Tatooine.


"Mando, what's gotten you all worked up?" The mechanic, Peli Moto says. A petite, greasy and frizzy-haired woman with various tools strapped to her waist.

"Peli, I'm looking for a young girl. She may be in trouble."

"Oh. Saving another child, huh? Well I'm not sure how to help you. You know slavery is still very prominent here, even though the New Republic outlawed it. Mos Espa is notorious for such scum."

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