When Darkness Returns

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Darkness reached the Mospic High Ridge on the desert planet of Tatooine, and the only light seen are from the search lamps from the top of the mountain. Not only has the two sun's disappeared over the horizon, but there is also a dark and sinister figure guarding the main entrance to an underground Imperial base. Encased in all black protective gear, it stood utterly motionless by the heavy steel doors.

Upon a visual inspection, it didn't appear to be carrying any pistols, rifles, or other weapons. No vital signs or heat signatures were detected by either Boba's or Din's helmet. Yet Nia still felt it's energy, even though it showed signs of being nothing more than a droid. It was the first time Cobb Vanth has seen this trooper guarding the entryway, and Din noticed it resembled the appearance of a death trooper. Yet it was still a total mystery!


As the group are busy discussing their plan to take out the guards in the tower, they don't even notice that Nia is already half way down the cliff. As she strategically and carefully places her footing along the ridge, she uses the Force to give her the strength and focus to combat this unknown trooper in black armor. She has never fought a Dark Force User before and doesn't know what to except, especially since it didn't appear to be an organic life form. As her boots hit the soft and sandy ground, she makes her way towards the guard at the entrance. Armed with two lightsabers, spear and pistol, Nia uses the Force to give her courage.

"I am one with the Force, and the Force is with me," she softly repeats this phrase to herself.


As Din and Boba both volunteered to take out the two stormtroopers in the watchtower, as Bossk left to keep the ship ready for them to make their quick escape. Meanwhile, Cobb suggested a scenario to tag-team the shadowtrooper by the door with Nia. However, it was Din who eventually realized that she was no longer by their side.

"Where did Nia go?" Din asked as they all frantically looks around.

"Down there, look," Boba pointed out.

"What the hell is she doing?" Cobb says with bewilderment.

Below them they see Nia slowly approach the door, however the shadowtrooper doesn't appear to even notice she is there. The two stormtroopers on top of the watchtower immediately begin calling orders for her to stop.


"Stop right there! This is a restricted area!" One of the stormtroopers in the watchtower yells. However, Nia doesn't move an inch as she stands in front of the shadowtrooper, intensely focused on the black-clad guard who hasn't moved.

"This is your last warning! Stop or we will open fire!"

Using both hands, she Force-pulls the two troopers over the edge of the tower. As they fall to their deaths, she immediately unsheathes her pistol and takes out the security camera before replacing it back in its holster. The noise resulted in activating the shadowtrooper. Its head lifted up slightly and its eyes lit up with a bright red glow, looking more like a demonic entity. The next thing it does was completely unexpected. It removed a long black hilt from it's holster and activated it.

In its hand was a bright red blade, but it wasn't just a normal weapon. It was a lightsaber! As she stared down this Dark Force User, she unsheathed her two lightsabers from her belt and ignited them. One is a bright yellow blade, the other a teal turquoise. Her braided hair waving in the cold windy night, her stance is wide and ready for attack, and her eyes were fixed on the enemy in front of her.

"Be brave, padawan," a voice is heard inside her head, giving her strength and courage. It was her master, Rig Nema.


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