Trust and Betrayal

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The three of them stood silently in the dimly lit hallway in front of the entrance to Boba's room. Din hasn't moved a single muscle, his helmet is focused on Boba. Din's intense stare is like a heat ray, burning into Boba's eyes. The power behind his rage is evident by his tightly clenched fists and motionless stance. The only part of his body that is moving is the heavy rising and falling of his chest and shoulders as he breathes.

Nia was the only one who could actually feel his emotions as if they were her own. It's like a thick cloud of smoke that fills the space between them, making it hard to breathe as the air becomes thick with tension. It made her tremble. She's never seen him this angry before. Not even when he was injured back on Felucia. Boba was the first to speak in an attempt to calm him down.

Boba threw his hands up in the air and says calmly, "Din look - " But he couldn't even finish the sentence when Din delivers a quick solid punch to his nose. Nia heard a thud followed by a loud crack. Boba yelps as he reaches up with both hands to apply pressure to his now bleeding nose.

"Din! Please! It's my fault!" Nia cries out as she stands in between the two men, and plants her hands onto Din's beskar chest.

Without saying a fucking word, Din grips Nia by her throat, not hard, but firm enough to not allow her to move. With her in his grasp, he shoves her aside as the side of her body smacks into the closed door a few feet away.

"I thought we had an understanding, Fett," Din's voice now menacingly deep as he smashed one of his fists into Boba's stomach, causing him to clench his belly and topple over as he grunts in pain.

"Din, h-hold on. I-I can e-exp-" Boba chokes in an attempt to speak but Din punches him once again, but this time in his jaw.

"Din please!" Nia yells as she grabs his elbow, trying to stop him from administering another strike. However, her attempt completely fails as Din shoves her back to inflict another hard punch to Boba's chin. Just as she began to wonder why Boba hasn't fought back yet, he stands up tall and tackles Din to the ground with a loud metal clank. There's a brief struggle between them as they both try to get the upper hand on each other.

"I told you not to do anything without me, Fett!" Din cries out as Boba goes to choke him.

"She can make up her own mind!" Boba yells as he grips Din's throat with both hands. "You are not her fucking babysitter!"

Nia can't stand to see them like this. She now realizes that she does care for Boba, but not as much as she cares for Din. So she uses the Force to grip them in place, then tosses them both aside as they hit opposite walls.

"Listen, I really didn't want to use the Force on you two just now. But please don't fight over me!" Nia says as she releases them. "I belong to Din. We've talked about this, Boba!"

"Leave us," Din says sharply as they both adjust themselves, but Nia looks back at him curiously. She is unsure about what he means and she doesn't want to leave them alone together. He then grabs a hilt from his belt and holds it out to her. It's the lightsaber she dropped in the throne room. "Go prepare for the mission. We'll be right there," Din says as he continues staring at Boba's bloody face.

"Don't do anything, Din! I'm just as to blame as he is," she says forcefully as she grabs the saber from his grasp.

"Yes. You are," Din replied softly as he continues staring at Boba as he steps up closer towards him. Din looks back at Nia speaks coldly to her, "Leave."

She takes the hint and spins around begins walking away.


It was obvious to him why Boba went after Nia. He hasn't felt this enraged in a long time and he hates it. His friend broke the agreement they had. He approaches Boba with the same unmoving stare and his body is as stiff as beskar steel.

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