She rummages through the items in her home that morning, collecting all of her necessary belongings and supplies. Of course she can't go anywhere without her lightsaber, beskar spear, heavy blaster pistol, vibroknife, as well as her beskar vambraces, along with her Jedi holocron, healing crystal, and 3000 credits from the clinic and the Aqualish. She informs her associate of her relocation update on her comlink. Then double-checks to make sure the darksaber is safely tucked away inside her backpack before zipping it back up. One last thing she does is to quickly make toast with homemade jelly and grabs some fruit for herself and Din, packs them away in paper bags and heads out towards the clinic.
While at the clinic, she lingers longer than she needed to. She triple-checks everything to make sure it is left in order. She told Din she'll met him at his ship while he goes to collect his weapons from Viv. Maya has to physically shove her out as she weeps with sorrow.
"We're going to miss you, Asra! But I'm glad you are moving on. You never seemed completely happy here. Promise me that you'll finally find joy in your life!" Maya cries. Her stomach is warm with flutter. She doesn't know what to expect on Tatooine, but she must follow wherever the Force takes her. She's going to miss everyone here, but it was never meant to be a permanent home.
"I'll miss you too, Maya. You've always been a good friend to me," she whimpers as she gives her friend a hug. "Goodbye, Caid."
"Bye Asra. Take care of yourself," Caid replied.
Before leaving the clinic, she collects several more nutritional packs and ration bars from the storage room for Din, enough to last for at least a week. It's the least she can do since she's asking him for a favor. Felucia has enough additional foodstuffs to last for a year and they have plenty of it to spare. She also grabs two bundles of nysillin herbs, one for herself and one for him and packs them away in a shoulder bag.
Her backpack contains all the essentials a traveling woman like herself would ever need. Such as a few extra spare clothing, a small medpac, her hair brush, a bar of soap and feminine products (of course), as well as ten ration bars, five nutritional packs, a small portable moisture vaporator for desert planets, a water filter and canteen filled with natural spring water from the nearby creek, a thermal cloak and thick heavy boots for cold temperatures, a portable oxygen mask for toxic environments, her personal long-range comlink, a universal translator, her customized datapad, a scramble key, several empty data cards, as well as a few data cards with fake chain codes for her numerous aliases and identities.
"Asra! What's this I hear about you leaving?!" Max calls out to her from in front of his bar.
"Word got around fast I see. Yes. I need to leave. It was always a pleasure talking to you, Max," Nia says as she shakes his hand.
"Running away with the Mandalorian, huh?" He says with a wink.
"It's not like that. We are friends. He's helping me travel to my next destination."
"Ok Asra. Whatever you say, but I know there's something going on between you two," Max says as he hug Nia goodbye.
"Alright alright. Take care of yourself, Max," Nia says as a tear runs down her cheek. "I'm going to miss everyone."
"Tell the Madalorian he's free to come back anytime he wants."
"I will," she says and walks away quickly before she starts to cry.
As she sees Din's ship in the distance, a realization dawns on her. In just a few moments, she'll be among the stars once again, with a purpose and a mission. It has been a rough week with the attack, followed by the aftermath and cleanup, and now having to relocate. Everything is about to change. She has so many thoughts running through her head, but they all jump around erratically, none of them staying still long enough for her to focus on.

Under the Beskar
FanfictionThis story begins in 12 ABY - 3 years after Din Djarin, the Mandalorian, gives up his foundling to the Jedi for training and acquiring the Darksaber, he returns to his bounty hunting job. He follows a lead to the Outer Rim where he crash lands on a...