Chapter 2: It Started With a Kiss

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Chapter 2: It Started With a Kiss 

Danny tried to contain his laughter as he watched Soleil's face change from confusion into shock. He couldn't believe how everything had worked out perfectly. Soleil had shown him Niall's face in enough magazines that he recognized him as soon as he had walked in. It was a sign of fate, Danny thought, and he just couldn't resist playing match-maker. Still, he didn't really think she would go through with it. She was gutsy, but not that gutsy. She liked to seem braver than she actually was.  

Suddenly, Soleil caught Danny's eye over Niall's head. He smirked widely, showing his teeth and silently mocking her, daring her. A look of determination passed over her face and she licked her lips nervously. She looked back to Niall, who was regarding her curiously. He gave a little shake of his head as if to clear it and to remember his purpose. He opened up his mouth to speak, and Soleil made her move. 


What a strange girl. All he had said was "hi," to which she had responded "oh shit." Niall couldn't figure it out. He knew he was famous, and he was recognized by fans all the time. Their reactions were always different; some screamed, some were speechless, a few even passed out. But this one was more strange than any of them. As her eyes met his, he thought he saw a flicker of confusion and maybe even fear? But why would she be scared of seeing him? 

Of course, he wasn't sure he hadn't just imagined it, because the second her brilliant blue eyes locked on his, they captivated him and he fell into their trance. He had never seen such amazing blue-gray orbs. But when she suddenly glanced over his shoulder, the spell was broken and he reluctantly drew his eyes away and gazed at the rest of her face. 

She was pretty, but not overly in-your-face about it. She wore minimal make-up, just some mascara to frame those eyes, and some gloss on her perfectly smooth, pink lips. Her hair was a rich golden honey-brown that fell in loose waves around her tiny shoulders. He longed to run his fingers through it and feel its softness. 

When she slowly brought her eyes back to his, there was a new intensity in her face, a spark seemed to have been ignited. Niall shook his head to clear his thoughts and remember what he was doing. The wallet, he thought. I'm here to give her back her wallet. He opened his mouth to tell her this, but he felt his words being pushed back down his throat by the lips that were suddenly on his.  

He tasted strawberries, and felt the tickle of hair brush his cheek and suddenly it occurred to him that he must have closed his eyes because when he opened them less than five seconds later, his arms were up gripping a waist that was no longer there and he faintly heard male laughter. She left as quickly as she had come, like a gust of wind, and as he turned around he saw the mystery girl grab a suitcase and the hand of the boy who had given him the wallet and run out the door, her friend laughing beside her. 

When Niall's heart stopped threatening to jump out of his chest and the flush left his cheeks, he realized that the other boy must have known the girl and had set him up. Niall just couldn't figure out why. He suddenly became aware of someone speaking to him.  

"Can I help you?" asked the old woman who owned the bakery, as if she had repeated this question several times.  

"I'll be back," Niall responded, his stomach quietly protesting as he ran out the door. He had to find the girl and demand an answer for her ridiculous behavior. His mouth went dry at the thought of talking to her again. But he had to, he didn't even know her name.  

As soon as he reached the street however, he saw her get into a taxi, her friend clutching his side from laughing so hard. Niall felt his stomach drop as he watched her slip away. He looked at the ground in disappointment. And that's when he saw it: her wallet was still clutched in his hand.

Author's Note: So I know this chapter is really short, but I'll be posting the next one either tomorrow or sometime this weekend instead of waiting until next week. I hope that's alright haha. And if you read this, please feel free to let me know what you think so far! I know not much has happened, but I think it's pretty fast paced compared to some others :) If you read this, thank you from the bottom of my heart, it means a lot. 


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