Chapter 14: Terms and Conditions

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Chapter 14: Terms and Conditions

"I am NOT watching that," Soleil exclaimed, crossing her arms across her chest.

It was Wednesday; two days since they had fallen asleep at the lake and gotten sunburned. It hadn't hurt as bad when they woke up, but that night in the shower the true damage had been revealed with angry red skin. She and Niall had stayed in bed most of Tuesday, seeing as it hurt to move. Mrs. Horan, bless her heart, had taken care of them both, rubbing aloe on their arms, legs, and back, and she had brought them food and water to keep them eating. At first, Soleil protested all the affections, but she eventually gave in. She was grateful for the help, and the motherly comfort was a nice feeling. Now the two were in the living room where they had been watching TV all day. Soleil was particularly interested in the X-Factor tapings of Niall the rest of One Direction, but he had only been able to stand to watch reruns of himself for so long.

Around four, he had managed to convince Soleil to watch The Village, because she had never seen a scary movie (due to Danny's incessant fear of them, since he had watched Jaws in fifth grade). She hadn't been that scared, so after it was over they started The Blair Witch Project, about the same time the Horans had gone out for dinner and a late movie. The Blair Witch Project had been scarier, but cuddling up to Niall had made it bearable. Secretly she thought that was the reason he picked scary movies; as an excuse to get close to her. But she couldn't say she minded.

"Come on, it won't be that bad," he pleaded, holding up the DVD.

"Niall, are you serious? It's Saw; that's like the scariest of all the scary movies!"

He scoffed. "I could find a scarier one, I'm sure."

"Well too bad, because I'm done with the scary movies for tonight."

She flopped down on the cough and out a pillow over her head so she wouldn't be swayed by his puppy dog face. Bad idea. Barely three seconds had passed before she felt familiar fingers digging into her sides and tickling her.

"Ahh!" She screamed, using the pillow to smack his head while tears streamed down her face.

He climbed on the couch and straddled her hips to keep her from flailing around.

"Please don't," she cried between giggles. "It hurts my sunburn!"

He stopped for a moment and then started again, gentler this time. "Say you'll watch it and I'll stop," he cooed.

"Ah...okay fine! Just get off of me!"

"Yes!" He grinned, jumping off her. As soon as he did, she flipped on her side and pressed her face into the back of the couch.

"Soleil?" He asked worriedly. "Are you okay?"

"No," her muffled voice responded. "That hurt."

In a second he pulled her to him and smashed her face into his shoulder.

"I'm sorry!" He cried. "I didn't mean it! How can I fix it?

She smirked and batted her eyelashes. "Kiss it better."

He pulled back and looked at her with uncertainty. She held his gaze, letting him know she was serious. Tenderly and slowly he inched her shirt up, exposing her flat stomach and red skin. He bent forward leisurely, making every hair on her arms stand up in anticipation. His cool breath tickled her skin faintly and then pulled back.

She pouted at the lack of contact, making him grin and bring his lips back quickly, causing her to gasp. He trailed kisses back and forth across her stomach, making her sensitive, burned skin tingle. Her heart hammered as her stomach flipped around like an acrobat. Suddenly, he began sucking her skin and licking it, blowing raspberries around her belly button.

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