Chapter 11: An Unexpected Gift

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Chapter 11: An Unexpected Gift

Wednesday passed with no contact from Niall. Soleil would be lying if she said she wasn't a little disappointed, but she didn't have long to wait. Thursday morning, she woke to the sound of knocking on the door. She tried to drown it out and snuggled back under the covers until Danny got up and answered the door in his boxers.

"I know you're awake," he grumbled as he walked past her.

A minute later he returned. "It's for you," he yawned as he stuck his head around the corner to Soleil.

After blinking up at him for several minutes, she sighed and threw off the covers, shivering as the cold air hit her skin. She groggily walked to the door, her footsteps padding lightly on the floor as Danny jumped back into bed and began snoring. A young man greeted her with a package as soon as she opened the door.

"For you, if you'll just sign here," the man said, thrusting the box into her hands and holding out a pen.

"Wha-" she began, but as soon as she had scribbled her signature he closed the door and walked away.

She yawned and rubbed her eyes to make sure she wasn't dreaming before sitting down on her bed and opening the package. She blinked blankly at what lay inside. She pinched herself. Then she screamed, much to Danny's displeasure.

"Oh my God, Danny look!" She held up a brand new phone- and a nice one at that. Suddenly, Danny was very much awake.

"Holy shit Sole," he whistled.

"And look, there's a note," she cried, waving a paper around in the air. "To Soleil," she read aloud, "I thought it was time you got a cell phonee. IT's not sage to be in another country without one. There's creeps who'll take you to old buildings and kidnap you, ya know! Anyways, this is the newest Android smartphone and I got an international SIM card so it should work in any country you go to. But I also got this so we could keep in touch :). Hope to hear from you soon. -Niall"

Soleil squealed. "He sent me a letter! And he bought me a phone! Oh my God Danny, he bought me a freaking phone!"

"So I've noticed," Danny grumbled. "Why don't I get a new phone?"

Soleil laughed. "Because he likes me better. Plus, you already have a perfectly good phone."

He mumbled and grumbled but didn't deny her logic.

"Wow," she breathed as she turned it on. "I was just planning on getting a disposable one in every country but this is so much better."

She bit her lip and looked at Danny. "I can't keep this can I? I should give it back."

He scoffed. "Honey, that boy has way more money than he probably knows what to do with. If he didn't want you to have the phone he wouldn't have bought the phone!"

Soleil nodded and gazed lovingly at the sleek metal rectangle in her hands. She didn't know what to think. On one hand, she was giddy with excitement that he had bought her a gift, and that he cared that she didn't have a phone or way to get in touch with him. On the other hand though, they didn't know each other that well and this phone would tie her don to him in a way, not to mention how awkward things would get if they had a falling out. But it was hard to resist such a thoughtful gesture, and Soleil realized she really did want to keep it. Plus, she could always give it back whenever she needed to.

"So are you going to text him?" Danny asked as if he already knew the answer.

"I suppose," she responded, fighting back a smile. "What's his number?"

She clicked on the contacts icon to add his number, but there was already a contact there. Laughing, she read the name "Niall the Coolest Person You'll Ever Meet" and looked at his contact picture. Danny leaned over her shoulder to see what was so funny and laughed as well once he saw the image of Niall with his tongue out, holding his fingers in a gun position pointed at the camera. On a hunch, she opened up the "photos" icon and scrolled through. 47 pictures, all selfies of Niall. She giggled at the funny poses he had taken; in some he was wearing sunglasses or a hat, and few even had a woman with him that must have been his mother.

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