Chapter 4: Property of Danny Castillo

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Chapter 4: Property of Danny Castillo 

Niall had waited until he got home to open the wallet. He didn't want to risk any of her things falling out and getting lost. He was deeply impatient though, he wasn't used to waiting. Neither was his stomach; it growled and rumbled all the way home before he reluctantly made himself a sandwich. After he had finished eating and washed his hands, so as not to get crumbs on her wallet, he gingerly picked it up and ran his fingers over the worn leather.

It was brown and unassuming, a simple wallet, but to Niall it was the key to the mystery girl. Was she a loose change kind of girl? Or did she have an array of credit cards, all in her father's name most likely. Maybe she had a school ID or a picture of her family on an old Christmas card. He eagerly opened it but felt a rush of disappointment at what he saw.

A piece of duct tape, curling up at the edges, was stuck on the side. Scrawled in a messy hand that was clearly masculine were the words: "This is the property of Danny Castillo. If found, please call this number," followed by a series of numbers that were only just visibly written in smudged pen. So the wallet was not in fact mystery girl's, it probably belonged to the boy she was with.

Niall laughed out loud as he realized he had been tricked. The only confusing thing was that the girl had seemed genuinely shocked when she saw him, so either she wasn't a part of the plan, or she was an Oscar-worthy actress. It didn't explain the kiss though, or why she had exclaimed "oh shit" when she saw him. No matter how hard he puzzled over it he couldn't figure it out. He went back to searching through the wallet: if this Danny guy didn't want people going through his things he wouldn't have left without it.

The wallet was, for the most part uninteresting; he had $4.17 in American dollars and a few British notes. Obviously he was keeping the majority of his money elsewhere. In one of the pockets, Niall found a picture of a black dog with his tongue hanging out the side. Behind it, he found three condoms (still unwrapped). He took one and stuck it in his pocket; he was all out and he never knew when he might need one. He hated buying them himself, in case the paparazzi- or worse, someone he knew- saw him. Usually his brother Greg sent him a bunch, but he wasn't sure when he'd get the next shipment. He hadn't used many from Greg's last delivery, but he had a suspicion that Harry had "borrowed" a few.

Suddenly, Niall got an unpleasant prickling in the pit of his stomach when he realized that the condoms were probably to be used by Danny and the mystery girl. They were traveling together, after all. Hell, they were probably dating. His fists clenched at the thought. He frowned and shook his head, he didn't even know them so what did he care if they were dating? Besides, something about Danny seemed a little out of place. He wasn't sure what it was, but he couldn't see them as a couple.

Mollified, he resumed his search. In another pocket he found several candy wrappers and a mint, but the real treasure lay in the last pocket: a single photograph of the girl and Danny. He was sitting in a white lawn chair and she was leaning over behind him, her arms wrapped around his neck and her cheek pressed against his. On the back, written in loopy script was the inscription: "To D, super sleuths forever! Your partner in crime, S." He felt the familiar prickling as he read the note. It was obviously an inside joke between them and he didn't like that he didn't understand it.

He examined the picture closer, running his finger over the girl's face, a face that, only an hour ago had been leaning into him. He remembered the tickle of her hair and the spark in her eyes and those lips! So soft and firm against his as they caressed his and then left as quickly as they had come. He kept running through the kiss in his head, playing it over and over until it was burned in the back of his head, the scene blinking vividly at him every time he closed his eyes.

This is madness, he thought to himself. I've got to stop thinking about her. He looked once more at the number and decided to call later that night. He didn't want to seem too desperate, after all.

After making this resolution, he moved through the rest of the day with a new purpose. He made himself another sandwich, took a shower, and helped his mother with dinner. He enjoyed spending time with his family; it was always nice to get time off between work. He was heading back to London in three weeks to see the rest of One Direction and prepare for their Take Me Home tour. He had only been home for a week and he already missed them. It was strange not living with them and seeing them every day. They had their fights and they certainly got annoyed with one another, but in the end they were all best friends and a second family. Filled with a sudden pang of loneliness, he sent a group message to the rest of the boys.

Niall: Hey lads! Been missing you all! 

Harry: Niall! When are you coming to see us? 

Niall: Three weeks! Counting down the days! 

Louis: Nialllll we miss you little Irish boy! 

Niall: Miss you too Lou! 

Liam: Can't wait to see you! Dani says hello! 

Louis: So does El! Take that Liam! 

Niall: Tell them BOTH I say hi! 

Zayn: Niall, mate do you have my comb? 

Niall: Oops, yes. Packed it by accident! I'll return it when I see 


Zayn: You'd better! 

Harry: Or maybe he'll give it to me... 

Louis: And meee...the possibilities are endless! 

Zayn: You two had better be kidding... 

Liam: Oh who knows with those two 

Niall: Good chat lads, but I'm off, gotta make a phone call! 

Liam: Stay safe and well, see you soon! 

Zayn: And don't forget my comb! 

Harry: Yes, don't forget it ;) 

Louis: ^^^ ;)love you Nialler! 

Niall: Big love to you all, g'night!

Smiling and feeling much better, Niall checked the clock. It was nearing 10:30, so he grabbed his phone and dialed the number from the wallet. He sighed in relief when the call went through, meaning Danny had international calling. He could feel his heart thudding louder in his chest with every ring. Just when he feared he would get no answer, a husky voice came on the phone.

"Hello?" A muffled voice laced with sleep came over the line.

Niall cleared his throat.

"I'm Niall. I still have your wallet and I was wondering if I should return it? I'm sorry if I woke you up." He could hear the creaking of bedsprings in the background as Danny got up he assumed.

"No, no, no," Danny assured him. "Well okay yes, but it's fine, I'm glad you called me."

All of a sudden Niall heard another voice- HER voice- in the background.

"Who is it, Danny?" A girl- THE girl- questioned, yawning at the end.

Niall's heart leapt as he heard Danny speaking quietly to her. When it was silent once again, Niall spoke.

"You know, I'm still not sure what happened today," he started.

"Ah yes, well come to this address tomorrow morning at 9 and I'll explain everything," Danny responded, listing the address of a motel down the road. Niall scribbled it down on his arm.

"Got it," he replied.

"Bring the wallet," Danny answered.

And then the line clicked dead.

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