Chapter 7: Not a Date

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Chapter 7: Not a Date

Niall and Soleil walked in silence down to Niall's car- out of her nervousness and his desire to stall the questioning until they reached the restaurant.

"I hope Italian is alright with you," he said, glancing at the enigma in his passenger seat.

She nervously smoothed her dress with her hands and gave him a sideways glance.

"That sounds fine," she replied. "Are you taking me to Nando's?" She quickly blushed. "I-I- mean, um, I just know that you like that restaurant, it- uh, I think it was in a magazine."

She ducked her head and Niall laughed at her stuttering. She was cute when she was nervous. She immediately turned to look at him.

"Are you laughing at me?" She questioned disbelievingly.

He coughed and tried to hide his smile. "What? No," he replied earnestly. "And no, I'm not taking you to Nando's. I have a special membership card there that lets me get all my food for free, and I didn't think it'd be fair to make you pay while I eat for free."

He was planning on paying for her anyway, even if they weren't on a date he was still a gentleman, but he figured she would fight about it so he wasn't going to mention it yet.

"Besides," he continued. "The place we're going is almost as good as Nando's, and it's less popular so I doubt the paparazzi will find us there."

"Mmm," she responded, biting her lip almost worriedly.

"What is it? What's wrong?" He asked.

"Oh nothing, I just keep forgetting that you're famous," she laughed a little. "You just seem so normal!"

Niall smiled at her sudden change of mood. "Thanks, I think," he chuckled. "What'd you expect me to be like?"

She thought a minute. "Self-absorbed, conceited, and way more attractive," she said jokingly.

His smile faltered slightly. Here was this beautiful, funny girl and she didn't think he was good looking. She probably wishes she had met Harry instead, he thought bitterly. Soleil, noticing his change of mood, playfully nudged his shoulder.

"Hey, I was kidding. You definitely exceeded all my expectations," she said. "I still can't believe this is happening," she finished, giving him a shy smile.

Confidence regained, he returned her smile with a grin of his own that showed a peek of braces.

"We're here," he announced as he pulled up to a small Italian restaurant with a name Soleil couldn't pronounce. They parked and stepped out into the soft glow from the door of the restaurant. Niall walked around his car to Soleil and grumbled, "I was going to open the car door for you."

Soleil turned to him surprised, but then laughed. "I'm perfectly capable of helping myself out of the car, you know," she smirked.

He shrugged and threw her his own lopsided grin. "At least let me open the door for you," he countered. "I have a reputation to uphold!"

She giggled and waited as he opened the door, bowing low and sweeping his hand in front of him.

"After you, m'lady."

She curtsied and skipped in through the door. They were led to a table in a back room by themselves (just as he had requested). There was a large fireplace on the wall to their left, and behind them were rows upon rows of wine bottles. Niall pulled Soleil's chair out for her, noticing her shocked expression before she sat down and plucked at the red and white checkered tablecloth. He sat down opposite her and discretely wiped his palms on his pants. They waiter came by and asked for their drinks; water for Niall and Diet Coke for Soleil. After the waiter left they both fell into uncomfortable silence. It was Soleil who finally broke the quiet.

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