Chapter 9: The Surprise

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Chapter 9: The Surprise

When Soleil woke up the next morning, sun was already seeping in through the blinds. She glanced at the clock and was surprised to find that it was already 11:30, much later than she had slept since being in Ireland. Danny was still deep asleep, probably recovering from the copious amounts of alcohol he had consumed the night before. Soleil was pleased to discover that she felt fine and didn't seem to be suffering from a hangover. She hadn't drunk that much, but still she hadn't been sure how her body would react.

Figuring that Danny would most likely be asleep for a while, Soleil got up and slipped on a t-shirt and athletic shorts. She pulled her hair into a high ponytail and put on her favorite pair of sneakers before making her way out of the hotel. She didn't want to waste the day waiting for Danny to wake up and she wanted to get some exercise. Plus, she needed to work off all the milkshakes and fries she had consumed last night. She shuddered when she thought of how much she had eaten, and she hadn't been graceful about it, that much was sure. The night had been fun, but nonetheless she didn't think she would be caught doing weed again.

She stepped out into the street and began a slow jog, finding her pace and falling into a steady rhythm. She liked running for leisure, especially in new places when she could look around and appreciate the scenery. She didn't like to listen to music as most people did; instead she preferred to listen to the sounds of birds chirping, children playing, and people laughing.

Her mind drifted back to the night before and she found herself haunted again by the woman's strange warning. She knew the dangers of falling in love, she had gotten her heart broken before and she was well aware of how much it hurt. But sometimes it was worth it, wasn't it? Soleil believed that love was out there somewhere for everyone and eventually you would find it. At least she hoped so.

Thinking of love suddenly brought Niall to her mind. She was attracted to him, that was for sure. She liked how he smiled and was courteous and caring and a little bit awkward at times. She just wished he wasn't so shy around her. She vowed to bring him out of his shell a little bit, perhaps when they got together tonight. Hopefully he had something fun planned for her and Danny; she'd be lying if she said she wasn't extremely excited to see him again. There was something so intriguing about him and she couldn't put her finger on it. Could she love him though? Was there a possibility of something more than friendship?

I'm not ready, she thought to herself. I need to be on my own for a little bit; I can't forget my purpose here. I'm trying to see the world and live a little, not get tied down with a silly boy.

As the thoughts swirled around her head though, she knew she was lying. Niall wasn't just a silly boy; he was a world famous celebrity that had shown slight interest in getting to know her. Of course, he probably had little flings like this will girls all the time. Soleil felt a rush of jealousy at the thought, but she quickly pushed it away. She couldn't get attached to him, it would never work out. She'd go with the flow and see what happened, but she'd keep her feelings under control. She'd never allow herself to truly fall for his boyish good looks and crooked smile and self-conscious personality. 


When she returned to the hotel room an hour later, she found a very awake, and very agitated Danny.

"Where have you been, Soleil?" He asked as soon as she walked through the door.

Panting slightly from her run, she responded "I went out for a jog, what's wrong?"

"What's wrong? Soleil, we're in a foreign country and you left without telling me and without taking a phone! I had no idea where you were!"

"Sorry," she mumbled guiltily. "I didn't want to wake you up, but I should have left a note or something. I don't have a phone though so I should get off the hook for that one."

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